Name: Hrolf the Strange-Eyed
Alias: Hrolf
Gender: Male
Race: Nord
Age: 29
Birthsign: The Warrior
Class Information
Class Name and Description: Falxman- Fighting with a two-handed falx and very little or no armor, as maneuverability is important with the falx. It takes skill to use the falx properly and effectively, but can be a devestating weapon if used properly.
Specialization: Combat
Skills: Major- Medium Armor, Spear, Unarmored, Athletics, Block
Minor- Acrobatics, Alchemy, Short Blade, Light Armor, Mercantile.
Height: 6'3"/1.98m
Weight: 210 lbs./95 kg.
Apparent Age: Early thirties.
Apparent Gender: Male
General Appearance: Though tall and muscular, Hrolf isn't as broad as a typical Nord. Instead, he has a more slender appearance, both in his face and body, giving him a less "Nordic" look. His hair is a golden blond, at neck length, and is straight and tidy most of the time, as well as swept to either side of his face, framing it. He always seems to have a hint of a beard, even after shaving, but nothing ever grows past the mere stubble on his chin.
His eyes are his most exquisite feature. Both are a dark, emerald green, except his left eye has a third covered by a deep, rich brown color. He gets his name from his eyes, and tends to be shy about it when people notice them.
Standard Attire: Though he almost always wears his armor, he wears a dark brown tunic over top of it, and will wear that tunic, along with a cloak when he doesn't wear his armor, as well as Padded leather pants, lined with fur for warmth . He has thick fur boots, which are worn, but still sturdy, as well as a straw hat (almost like a farmers hat) which he found on the road one day. He wears it everywhere, even in battle, and has been known to knock a few teeth out when somebody comments on it....
Armor: A chainmail cuirass, which is worn, and has a few broken rings on it. Padded leather pants, lined with fur for warmth. He wears that armor for movement during battle, using his skill and natural agility for defense.
Weapon(s): A two-handed steel (ignore the guy

). A steel dagger.
Enchanted items: None.
General Disposition: Hrolf is a generally cheerful man, though a little shy at first, and a little untrustworthy.
Disposition towards the Empire: Not an outstanding or prominent supporter of the Empire, he follows its laws and doesn't defy its ways and customs.
Disposition towards the law: Not by any means a law breaker, he still doesn't get along with any lawful authority figures very well, mainly due to the fact that he is a mercenary.
Religion: A worshipper of Jhunal. He is tolerant of other religious views, as long as others remain tolerant of his.
Past Associations: None. Is a lone-wolf mercenary. Though, he has done a few minor jobs for the Mages Guild.
For Non-Hlaalu
Name: Hrolf the Strange-Eyed
Gender: Male
Race: Nord
Birthsign: The Warrior
Age: 29
Place of birth: Riften, Skyrim
Current Residence: Balmora
House Hlaalu Sponsor: Sulis Ralyn
Describe your skills: I am a trained fighter, taught to use a falx effectively. I am athletic and fit, and am trained to move in light armors. I am agile and fairly skilled at dodging, using that as more of a defense then any armor. I am also trained to block effectively with the falx, which, believe me, is no easy feat! I can also bargain and haggle rather well, and it comes in handy for my previous work as a blade-for-hire.
List any other organization you belong to (and current rank): None
Please list any persons who can speak for your good character and abilities:
Aldari Meanaami- Mages Guild (Warlock)
Minia Sharli- Fellow mercenary. Currently in Cyrodiil, most likely the Imperial City.
Are you willing to carry out tasks that could be potentially dangerous?
[X] Yes [ ] No
Do you agree to abide by all House Hlaalu laws?
[X] Yes [ ] No
Do you agree to follow all lawful orders of your superiors in House Hlaalu?
[X] Yes [ ] No
By signing below, you indicate that all above information is accurate and swear allegiance to the Great House Hlaalu.
Hrolf the Strange-Eyed