Hrolf looked around, walking slowly, the place giving him an unpleasant feeling for some reason. Maybe it was the fact that he didn't really know what to expect, or maybe it was the fact that he was alone in a house of a powerful Morrowind House. Or maybe he was just imagining only the bad, and forgetting why he was here.
They wanted him for his skill, and surely they wouldn't want to do him harm, though the thought sat in the back of his mind. He started to whistle quietly, and began playing with the necklace that hung on his neck, which held a silver carving to represent Jhunal, who he followed, and tried to base his ways around. His whistling got louder, as he tried to use it to alert somebody of his presence, though he was sure his presence was known.
He spotted a small bench, and walked over to it, looking around to see if anybody was going to attend to him or not. Seeing that it wasn't going to happen, he removed his falx, and sat down, laying the weapon across his lap, admiring it's simple beauty. The blade was long and curved, and the inside of the curve was sharpened, instead of the outside, which made the weapon unique. The handle was made of iron and padded with leather, and had carvings of Jhunal flowing across it overlapping and swirling to make it a truly beautiful weapon.
He began to grow impatient now, looking up as he stopped his whistling, and he swore quietly as he saw nobody. He didn't want to wander inside to much, but he was starting to grow tired and hungry, which wasn't a good combination for him. He got up, stretching his legs out a little, replaced the weapon on his back, and started walking deeper inside, not really caring for manners anymore as his stomach rumbled, only wanting to get this meeting over with, as he walked further in, starting up his whistling again to let them know he was here.
He just wanted to get to work, which is the only reason he ever came to this ugly country in the first place. He tried to imagine what tasks they would set on him, but he truly had no idea what they would get him to do, so he continued his search for help, walking even further in, hoping for somebody to attend to him.

little service?