The Respectables

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:15 pm

Aryon nodded and headed down into what seemed like a deep dark abyss, further and further into the mines until both he and Ren were in a large cavern with many miners at work and carts on tracks wizzing around.

"This must be the main mine room" Aryon said as he looked around. He stepped forward to the edge of what seemed like a cliff side and peered down into a large chasm that didn't seem to end. Darkness was all he could see at the bottom. He stepped back again and looked at the many different miners. All races seemed to be present except for the beast races of Argonian and Khajiit.

"So then Ren, make yourself usefull and find me Dunmer woman Nelam" he sneered as he looked around the room for any Dunmer that happened to be female. There were quite a few.
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:12 am

Yuri hated being told he was quick about things. He preferred being the 'late' member.

"Your going to do a job for me, and your not going to offer compromises." always concise. He liked being concise.

He didn't smile, not yet.

"And then I will not only point you in the right direction of my former employer, but I will... help, in her retrieval."

Yuri took a massive swing of the wine before leaning into the ear of the agent and whispering

"Meet me at the edge of the river in about ten minutes... bring any friends you might have along."

He grinned, placed the cork on his flask and put it into his robe pocket. He stood, turned about and made his way out of the door, a bit proud of himself for the event.
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Wayne W
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:46 am

Vel whatched the man get up and walk out. Ten minuts at the edge of the river. Vel could only wonder what he was going to have to do for this man. He got from his seat and walked towards the Door turning his head To Beniamus and gave a twitch of his head to follow and stepped out the door. He held his flin bottle in his left hand and took a swig of it. There was more in it then he had realized. He wasn't really much of a drinker, but sometimes some Flin could be good to keep him on his feet. He walked down the road to the river and stood there looking at the water shineing in the moonlight.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:25 am

Beniamus had casually glanced up as the mage walked out of his room and down the stairway before following suit. He made it about halfway down the stairs before making himself comfortable against the wall, leaning and watching their hopeful lead. The man had made good time as he pulled up alongside Vel. Beniamus was too far away to hear clearly what was said between the two, but it must have went well. A moment later the mage made his way out the door without a knife in his back. He caught the nod from Vel and followed suit out the door.

Stepping outside the door, he took quick stock of his chitin armor. Satisfied that all was as it should be, he glanced up at Vel.

"I'm guessing we made a deal?"
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Lady Shocka
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:21 am

"He has agreed to help us. But first we must do something for him. I don't know what it is he said to meet him here in ten minuts." Vel turned around and rubbed his chin. "What ever he asks, it shouldn't be too hard a task. But when we finish he'll lure the target out for us." He took out one of his silver daggers and toyed with it flipping it around with his fingers like a coin.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:29 pm

After getting a drink and sleeping at the pub, artenell realized that it was nearing noon time. The sun light hurt his eye's as he walked out of the pub, walking towards the North East Entrance fountain. The day was nice, but the sound hurt his head, after all the drinking through the night. Artenell walked over to the fountain, seeing no one waiting around. All that could be seen, was citizens and merchants talking and selling. Out of the way, in some shaded allyway, a cloaked figure stood, motionless. Artenell wondered if it was one of the figure's from the other night?

The figure just stood there looking foward it seemed. As artenell approached, a hand grabbed his arm making him turn his attension away from the figure. A small man stood in front of him, this time it was no bosmer, but just a short dunmer who seemed to be looking for him.

"You dont mess with those cloaked men, their trouble!", artenell looked at the man for a moment, he was old and had little hair. He seemed to be knowledgeable, so artenell thought he was worth listening to.

"Who are they, or what are they?"

"This is not the place to talk, please come with me. I know where we can talk"

"How do I know your not going to take me to those cloaked figure's?"

"You dont know that?", the old man said with a grin as he motioned for artenell to follow.

The man's house was nice and warm. The man had many book, some to do with magic, while others with Gods and history. The man motioned to a seat, that rested near his fireplace. As artenell knoded and took a seat, the man clicked his figure's, as the fireplace lit-up.

"Would you like anything to drink, perhaps some ale or mead?"

"I'll have some dark ale, if you have any?"

"As a matter of fact I do!", the man walked out of the room with two cold bottles of ale in each hand.

"Who are you?", artenell said grabbing his ale.

"I'm here to help you find the 'Master of Security', and find out who he is!", artenell leaned closer taking a swig from his bottle. The man sat across from him, taking a swig from his bottle as well, before continueing.

"Well I can tell you, that he is still in the city. But one thing is, he is very sneaky and can out smart the "smartest", of the city guard"

"Where can I find him here?"

"I cant tell you that, for if I did, it would cost me my life as well as your's", artenell sat back into his seat drinking his ale, as the man continued on talking...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:33 am

"I'm glad you both came. It seems Hlaalu is intelligent for two men for every assignment." Yuri said as he approached the river side. "So I brought a good friend as well."

A nasty looking orc came from the stairway to their flank and approached swiftly. For his sincerely gruesome appearance, his voice certainly betrayed his frame.

"Greetings sir's," light, and almost wispy. An amazing sight to see such a figure without a booming charisma to match. "A fine evening, is it not?" It was a sarcastic question. Yuri resumed his proposal.

"I realize you too must be well-connected and such so this task won't pose much of an issue beyond time and being infinitely out of the way." he smiled. Now he was in control. They needed him, as he was their only lead. No one else knew where the witch went. "I want you to deliver this letter to my mother." He removed from his robes the note which he composed earlier.

"She lives in Dagon fel. A small hut on the river. She'll be fishing most of the day," he began lowering his voice "Or chasing men." he barely uttered the lost part.

"Afterwards, you will come to Caldera and meet me at Shenk's Shovel Inn, and we'll deal with the Witch then." he turned to walk away, muttering "Send my mother my regards."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:20 am

It was very tempting to Ren to imagine pushing Aryon down into the chiasm "accidentally" and watching the man fall to his demise. Sadly though, he still needed the Dunmer, insufferable as he was to put up with.

"I don't know what she looks like, I've never seen her in my life." Ren replied, missing the other's sarcasm. However, her location should not prove to difficult to find out." He continued, approaching one of the nearby miners who happened to be Dunmer.

"Excuse me sir, but I'm looking for A Dunmer female by the name of Nelam. Might you know where she is?" He asked. The miner looked at him.
"Who's asking?" He replied.
"I'm sorry sir, the name is Renis Hess, but you can call me Ren" Ren said, holding out his hand for the man to take. The miner did, reluctantly, and Ren slid a few gold pieces into his hand. The miner looked surprised for a moment, but quickly covered it up.

"We'll now that we've been uh, properly introduced, I can tell you where Nelam is. She's right over there, in the corner." Said the miner, pointing her out.

"Thanks for your help sir." Ren returned to Aryon and gave him a look. "You heard the man. She's over in the far south of the cavern. Why don't we go over and say hello?"
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:05 pm

Vel had taken the letter that was now in an envelope and nodded. "I'll admit you suprise me." He said after the mage. "I was starting to think you'd have this orc try to kill us to help you out." He gave a quaint smile. "Don't worry your mother will receive this message. It will take atleast a day or maybe less to get it to her." He put the letter in his leg pocket. He looked at the orc and nodded. "It is a fine day indeed." He looked back at Beniamus. "Well lets get started. I have given the silt master enogh gold for us to make another trip. We'll go to the Vivec docks and then take the boat from there."
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Benito Martinez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:39 pm

Yuri figured he would wait until morning, take the silt strider to Balmora and trek to Caldera with his Orc friend.

It'll all work out, he thought to himself she'll die by my hand, I'll know she's dead. And maybe get myself a more... stable job.

But he shuddered at the thought of killing the woman. Him and her had become close during their time together, even if it was always spent so far apart. He never really got to know her well. He wanted to feel remorseless; daring. But it wasn't so.

He made his way back towards the House of Earthly delights, and bid his Orc to meet him at the stairs towards the Silt strider first thing in the morning... After breakfast of course.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:37 pm

Aryon seemed pretty impressed by Rens little show and thought that he may be more useful than first thought. He looked over to where the miner had pointed and spotted a woman hunched over in the corner.

"Okay then, lets introduce ourselves" he said as he walked over

"Excuse me madam, may I have a minute of your time?" he spoke as he watched the woman straighten up and turn around. It certainly was not what he expected. He was face to face with a giant of a woman, of about nord size. Her muscles were bulging from her arms and she was built more like a man than a woman.

"Yeah go on then but be quick, I'm on a busy schedule" she said in a gruff masculine voice.

"Erm yes yes okay I'll be erm quick, just a minute though" he stammered quickly turned around to Ren and whispered"Look at her! How are we meant to get the information out of her. She looks like she will easily kill you and perhaps bruise me up a bit before I could subdue her. This may be more difficult than I thought"

He turned back around and looked at her, she looked a bit confused and was quite obviously becoming impatient. "Are you boy scouts going to take all day or start talking?"
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:00 am

Seeing Aryon absolutely flounder when faced with the admittedly intimating woman, Ren stepped in and attempted to resolve the problem.

"Madam, forgive my friend's blabbering. The truth is, we work for the thieves guild." Ren bluffed, hoping that they were behind this egg stealing operation.

"We've received reports that Hlallu knows about your operation in these mines. Worse yet, they know of Uramul and your involvement in it. The legion's already raided the Ebony Mines in Caldera. We've been advised to pull you and Uramul out immediately to prevent any more information from falling into Hlallu's hands. I need you and Uramul to come with Aryon and I immediately. It's vital we get out of here before nightfall, as we've received reports that that is when this place will be raided. Hurry, time is of the essence!" Ren explained, adding an urgent undertone to his voice. He had no idea wherever his plea would work, and waited to see how the Dunmer women would react.
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:42 pm

Council Club, Balmora

There was always a lot of smoke in that room. That's what he remembered. The smell was sweet to him, as it was sweet to all Dunmer; his lungs were sacs etched in sulfur. Air in the south, in Mournhold, never suited him. Those southern Dunmer were helpless, almost as frail as the Imperialized elves of Cyrodiil. Outlander scum, all of them. From Red Mountain were the Dunmer born, and in Vvardenfell were the truest Dunmer still fighting. Though he had only been a child when last he had been in Balmora, the memories of this room were burned into Kiskauno's memory.

A Dunmer pushed through the door of the Council Club and approached the counter without breaking stride. A few of the regulars looked up; all the faces were dark, outlined in graying strands as wisps rose from creamy incense and rolled hack-lo leaves. The bartender stared at the man for a moment.

"You're Kiskauno?"

The man froze, then nodded sharply.

"Eides, actually." He murmured, his eyes hovering slowly around the room. None of the faces were familiar, though that didn't bother him. They would learn his name in time. "I understand you have a room for me."

The atmosphere in the room was reserved at best, typical for a Tong hangout; newcomers, especially non-Dunmer, were not welcome. A patron drinking nearby, however, perked up her ears at this. She watched through her peripheral vision as she nursed her matze.

A soft din continued uninterrupted as the bartender left to show the newcomer a room in the basemant of the club. As Eides and the proprietor descended down the stairs, the young newcomer shot back a glance at the woman at the counter. Their eyes caught for a moment, but she quickly looked back, acting as if she had merely been scanning the room. The Consul's eyes lingered for a moment, tracing her face before he descended. A shiver ran up his spine.

Cheap lanterns hung from the rafters, illuminating the entire room. It was rather small for his intentions, but there was a large, oval-shaped table in the middle of it that looked like it could accommodate a great many people. A desk was at the far end of the room, with a bonemold armoire against another wall.

The newcomer's eyebrows furrowed. This was not what he was expecting.

"This?" He paused, his tongue clicking against his teeth. Banor Seran shrugged, trying to dump the newcomer as quickly as possible so he could get back up to the bar.

"Omani told me to keep you here, and she paid me for this room and the bedroom across the hall." Banor threw up his hands helplessly. "Look, you're with that? uh, inter-house relations force, right? Why not just get a room at the Hlaalu compound?"

Eides stared at the bartender blankly for a long moment, and then lowered his eyes and shrugged. "It's not important. Especially not to you." Seran, already relatively discontent with having to house these bastards, was fed up with the whole ordeal and was already halfway out of the door when the HIHR Consul said something unexpected.

"The woman, at the counter. Is she a regular?" He inquired slowly, circling the table and feeling its worn, scratched surface with his fingers. One end of it was apparently unbalanced and fell a half-inch under his weight.

Seran shrugged, appeared to have blanked out, and then grinned as he recalled who the Consul was talking about. "The fox with the tattoo? I've seen her a few times, started coming in earlier this week. Says her brother was supposed to arrive-"

"She's a Redoran spy." Eides growled. "The tattoo on her neck, it's a symbol of the Masanel family given to females at birth to show lineage." The Dunmer pulled the pack from his shoulders, setting it down on the chair behind the desk. He began to withdraw a number of nationalistic tapestries, Temple memorabilia, and various weapons and vials from the obviously enchanted bag. Banor was still stunned from the news, not having had a clue. As he opened his mouth to say something, Eides interrupted rather softly, "Don't do anything. Serve her as usual, try not to act suspicious. I'll deal with her later."

He paused, rifling through the bag for an envelope. The Consul sighed as he pulled it from the bag, seemingly placing great importance to it. He handed it to the bartender with only a tinge of reluctance.

"Meanwhile, I'll trust you to make sure this gets to Mervs Uvayn at the Hlaalu compound." A smirk. "He'll have a lot to say about me taking some of his recruits, but there's nothing he can do about it, can he?"
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:23 pm

Abaesen-Pulu Egg Mine
Neldam Nethre, Miner

"Excuse me?" Neldam replied. "I have no idea what you are talking about, I'm no thief and I certainly don't associate with no-good dirty orcs!" She angrily added, "I suggest you get out of here before I tell the guards what you just told me. You'll be in a dungeon for the rest of your lives - if you're lucky. House Hlaalu does not take kindly to thieves."

The mine foreman heard the ruckus and walked over, "You three, this isn't social hour, get back to work!" he scolded. But as he neared, he noticed the strange men dressed in miner uniforms. "Neldam, who the hell are these two?"
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Mason Nevitt
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:06 am

Hrolf looked around, walking slowly, the place giving him an unpleasant feeling for some reason. Maybe it was the fact that he didn't really know what to expect, or maybe it was the fact that he was alone in a house of a powerful Morrowind House. Or maybe he was just imagining only the bad, and forgetting why he was here.

They wanted him for his skill, and surely they wouldn't want to do him harm, though the thought sat in the back of his mind. He started to whistle quietly, and began playing with the necklace that hung on his neck, which held a silver carving to represent Jhunal, who he followed, and tried to base his ways around. His whistling got louder, as he tried to use it to alert somebody of his presence, though he was sure his presence was known.

He spotted a small bench, and walked over to it, looking around to see if anybody was going to attend to him or not. Seeing that it wasn't going to happen, he removed his falx, and sat down, laying the weapon across his lap, admiring it's simple beauty. The blade was long and curved, and the inside of the curve was sharpened, instead of the outside, which made the weapon unique. The handle was made of iron and padded with leather, and had carvings of Jhunal flowing across it overlapping and swirling to make it a truly beautiful weapon.

He began to grow impatient now, looking up as he stopped his whistling, and he swore quietly as he saw nobody. He didn't want to wander inside to much, but he was starting to grow tired and hungry, which wasn't a good combination for him. He got up, stretching his legs out a little, replaced the weapon on his back, and started walking deeper inside, not really caring for manners anymore as his stomach rumbled, only wanting to get this meeting over with, as he walked further in, starting up his whistling again to let them know he was here.

He just wanted to get to work, which is the only reason he ever came to this ugly country in the first place. He tried to imagine what tasks they would set on him, but he truly had no idea what they would get him to do, so he continued his search for help, walking even further in, hoping for somebody to attend to him.

OOC: :whistle: little service? :P
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Harry Leon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:39 am

OOC: Sorry for not posting for a bit, been busy.

IC: Swiftly making his way through the crowd like a knife through butter, Richard was soon outside of the city. Stopping for a moment, he looked around, pointing his finger in various directions and towards various objects, before exclaiming "Yep, that's the way!" and hastening towards it. Vary of any wild beasts, he kept one hand on his crossbow, clenching the letter with the other. However, even if a herd of kagouti would've stormed at them out of sudden, he would've barely noticed as his mind was focused on his plan.

Get in, talk to Alusan to find out if it's the same Alusan, get him to confess about the most important stuff somehow, try to track down any connections to the Thieves Guild or any such pleasant things he might be working for. Richard didn't pay much attention to the fact as to how would his companion react to this plan, and the fact she had no part in it. Still, Richard was used to doing his part of the job alone, since there were few other Dwemer researchers that would be found with the company that he preffered.

A bit of silent walking later, and ash-clad mountains slowly started creeping into the landscape. Hastening his step, Richard climbed on top of a small hill, before pointing to several buildings down below. "Ta da! The Caldera Mining Company!"

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:29 am

OOC: Gah, my fault BladeMaster. I was waiting for someone else to post their introduction so I could do both at the same time, but then they didn't and I forgot about you -_-

Balmora, Hlaalu Council Manor
Mervs Uvayn, Coordinator

"Sera, there is a fellow waiting for you on the first floor, he's been there for a while now," one of the lowly attendants said to Mervs. He did not respond, but rather got up and walked dutifully towards the stairs with a long sigh. He'd been working for days now with few breaks and it was beginning to wear on him.

When Mervs reached the bottom, he saw the Nord seated as he waited. "You are here for induction into the Inter-House Relations taskforce, I gather?" he asked the man.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:04 am

OOC: Haha, no worries. :)


He began his whistling again, as he started to calm down again, trying not to think about his hunger. He decided to return to his bench, as he didn't want to make a bad, first impression on his employers. He removed his falx again, and sat down, the weapon leaning up against the bench, as he leaned back, his eyes drooping a little with exhaustion.

His head snapped up when he heard footsteps, and as they got louder, a Dunmer walked up to him, and Hrolf could tell this was a mer of rather high importance. He stood up quickly, and moved towards the mer, replacing the falx as he did. He straightened up, puffed out his chest, and looked straight ahead at the Dunmer, as he moved towards him.

Hrolf nodded to the Dunmer when asked the question. "Hrolf the Strange-Eyed, at your service." he said in his most business-like voice, as for some reason he could not figure out, he was trying to impress the Dunmer. "My apologies for the lateness of my arrival. It took me a little longer then I thought to prepare myself once I got the letter." he explained, and waited for the elf to respond.
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:46 pm

OOC: Sorry for not posting for a bit, been busy.

IC: Swiftly making his way through the crowd like a knife through butter, Richard was soon outside of the city. Stopping for a moment, he looked around, pointing his finger in various directions and towards various objects, before exclaiming "Yep, that's the way!" and hastening towards it. Vary of any wild beasts, he kept one hand on his crossbow, clenching the letter with the other. However, even if a herd of kagouti would've stormed at them out of sudden, he would've barely noticed as his mind was focused on his plan.

Get in, talk to Alusan to find out if it's the same Alusan, get him to confess about the most important stuff somehow, try to track down any connections to the Thieves Guild or any such pleasant things he might be working for. Richard didn't pay much attention to the fact as to how would his companion react to this plan, and the fact she had no part in it. Still, Richard was used to doing his part of the job alone, since there were few other Dwemer researchers that would be found with the company that he preffered.

A bit of silent walking later, and ash-clad mountains slowly started creeping into the landscape. Hastening his step, Richard climbed on top of a small hill, before pointing to several buildings down below. "Ta da! The Caldera Mining Company!"

OOC: Sorry i'm just dragging my ass along. This style of RP is a bit different for me so i'm just playing it as "wait and see" for now.


"So, now what?" Soryna folded her arms looking at the mine. Perhaps it would be more impressive inside. She was surprisingly bored for all the ruckus that was brought forth. Maybe she was just being impatient, or a bad mood had swept over her. In any case it seemed Richard had some sort of plan. She figured that even if he was as goofy as he seemed to be, if he was this confident and still alive, perhaps he would be useful in some sense of the word.
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:07 am

Beniamus was a little suprised at the task. The man wants us to deliver a simple letter to his mother? He wasn't too thrilled with the thought of spending a week of travel to get to Dagon Fel and back and then to Caldera.

"Vel, we'll make better time if we inquire at the Mage's Guild in Vivec for transport to Wolverine Hall and then by ship to Dagon Fel. We can then take the ship back to Wolverine Hall and then use the Guild to get us to Caldera. It'll cut atleast a day's worth of travel each way. Unless you had something else in mind, that is?"

He sincerely hoped Vel would take his suggestion or had something better in mind other than ship travel the entire way. It was getting late and they'd likely have to wait for morning before taking the Silt Strider.
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jessica sonny
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:22 pm

Vel thought over the two ways. Beniamus' way was actually alot better. However Vel didn't have much likeness for the mages guild it would cut the time. He gave a small sigh then nodded. "Alright then, to Vivec then." He turned himself facing the way to the silt strider and began walking. The thought of the mages guild was grim but then when he thought more about Wolverine hall. It was in Sadrith mroa.. And that was in Telvanni Territory, He hated the Wizards more the nthe mages. Not because they were Telvanni, Hell he had to do a couple of writs for the Telvanni in the past. It's just that they are stingy folk and very, well not the most respectfull people you would ever meet. And just to think I was stationed in that confounded rat hole for 3 years in the morag tong! He thought to himself rememberign the days of the brotherhood in that area he had served with. "We still have the room in the earthly delights place?"
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:21 am

Mervs, Coordinator

"It's no problem, I assure you," Mervs lied convincingly. He had the authority and rank to be nasty, but there was something about a massive human with a large sword standing just several feet from him that made him decide to be polite. Mervs was somewhat fearful of Nords to begin with, what with the stories of their barbarism. They need leashes, the lot of them Mervs commented to himself as he reflected on the animalistic tendencies of this particular human breed.

"If you're prepared, I do believe I have a task that you can undertake immediately," the Coordinator added, "it is a rather mundane duty, but it is all that is presently available for someone of your rank." Mervs paused for a moment to be sure his recruit was still with him, talking too fast could be dreadfully confusing for such a simple people. "There is an aged widow by the name of Tolmse Helothre who lives here in Balmora. She is convinced that her late husband's bedroom is haunted and has been unable to sleep for days. Normally we would simply refer her to the Fighters Guild for such a menial task, but her husband was a fine man, an Oathman of the House, died by the hands of criminal scum while on duty. So, widow Helothre is under our care."

"Your task is to investigate the room, and if it be haunted - which I severely doubt - then banish the spirit. Make sure to give every courtesy to Tolmse, she's been terribly fragile ever since her husband died."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:02 am

OOC: Sorry i'm just dragging my ass along. This style of RP is a bit different for me so i'm just playing it as "wait and see" for now.


"So, now what?" Soryna folded her arms looking at the mine. Perhaps it would be more impressive inside. She was surprisingly bored for all the ruckus that was brought forth. Maybe she was just being impatient, or a bad mood had swept over her. In any case it seemed Richard had some sort of plan. She figured that even if he was as goofy as he seemed to be, if he was this confident and still alive, perhaps he would be useful in some sense of the word.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I personaly intend to work my way into this Hlaalu task-force thing. And I've already got the means for it..." It only now occured to Richard that he didn't really have a place for Soryna in his plan. Oh well, I'm sure she'll appreciate my genius. With a mental shrug, he unfurled the letter. "This is a contract for one Richard Hoville to work in the Caldera Ebony Mine, signed by a Kinsman of House Hlaalu no less. When you do jobs for a variety of different people, you can request a variety of different favors from them in return. With this baby, everything's going to be much more simple than it might be for other teams... Especially considering at least one of the suspects sounds familiar to me, so it shouldn't be that hard to convince him to turn in some information under the guise of going back into old business."
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sam westover
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:14 pm

Vel thought over the two ways. Beniamus' way was actually alot better. However Vel didn't have much likeness for the mages guild it would cut the time. He gave a small sigh then nodded. "Alright then, to Vivec then." He turned himself facing the way to the silt strider and began walking. The thought of the mages guild was grim but then when he thought more about Wolverine hall. It was in Sadrith mroa.. And that was in Telvanni Territory, He hated the Wizards more the nthe mages. Not because they were Telvanni, Hell he had to do a couple of writs for the Telvanni in the past. It's just that they are stingy folk and very, well not the most respectfull people you would ever meet. And just to think I was stationed in that confounded rat hole for 3 years in the morag tong! He thought to himself rememberign the days of the brotherhood in that area he had served with. "We still have the room in the earthly delights place?"

"Yes, the room's still ours. Bed's all yours; I prefer the floor." Beniamus had spent the better part of his time in Morrowind sleeping on whatever he could find and now found it the most comfortable way to spend the night. He'd likely spend it in his armor as well as he rarely found himself without it. The armor was virtually a second skin to him.

"I'm going to grab a quick bite to eat and then call it a night. Hopefully all runs smoothly tomorrow and we can take care of this woman quickly." Turning, he made his way back up to Desele's.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:18 am

Hrolf listened carefully as the Dunmer assigned him his first task, and the Nords face fell a bit as it did indeed sound like a very menial task, one that involved the dead maybe. He thought doubtfully of his weapon, knowing it could cleave a man`s arm off, but was no use against the spirits of the dead. Hopefull the woman was out of her mind, and it was indeed just an empty room.

He also noted his employers demeanor towards him, but Hrolf couldn't be sure whether the mer was just unfriendly or whether it was because Hrolf was a Nord. It did seem like he was speaking in a slow, deliberate voice, but once again, maybe the Dunmer thought himself superior to all others. Or maybe Hrolf was just being paranoid because he disliked this place so much.

He bowed as the mer finished. "I shall attend to it as soon as I can." he assured him. With another quick bow, he turned and left, thinking to get a bite to eat before heading to his task. He thought of something rather important then, knowing that Balmora wasn't exactly small. "Where does this woman live exactly?' he asked the Dunmer, though he wouldn't be surprised if he didn't recieve an answer.
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