It is 3E 427, one year before the events of Morrowind are inflicted on the region. The Great Houses remain in their struggles for power and influence; the Imperial guilds are locked in their subtle battle for survival against a sometimes-xenophobic population. The population of Morrowind is conflicted ? they both desire the great riches that trade with the West brings them, but also wish to keep their independence and traditions.
No where are these conflicts more represented than in the Great House Hlaalu, a faction on the rise since the incorporation of Morrowind into the Empire, relative to its rivals Great House Redoran and Great House Telvanni.
It's well-known for its cooperation with the Empire and much of its success is founded upon its ability to adapt to the new situation. Trade income with the Empire has made Hlaalu rich, and with riches came power and influence, most notably in the selection of Vedam Dren as Duke of Vvanderfell.
Yet, beneath the surface, there is a very different picture of the House. Its leadership is largely under the thumb of Camonna Tong Kingpin Orvas Dren and most decisions must be approved by the xenophobic criminal organization. Its plantations exploit a massive number of slaves, in spite of the Imperial ban on slavery, due to an exemption given to Morrowind. Though most of its lower ranking members and almost all outsiders believe Hlaalu is the Great House of progress and Imperial values, the higher ranking members are well aware of its connection to seedier elements of Morrowind's society.
The internal conflicts of House Hlaalu, however, are pittance compared to the epic struggle for dominance against the other Great Houses. On Vvanderfell, in particular, both Redoran and Telvanni have been standing in the way of Hlaalu's ascent and expansion. Though not in open warfare, the three Great Houses have not been unwilling to use manipulation, subterfuge, and even violence to get what they want.
In this great war, every soldier makes a difference. And House Hlaalu is hiring.
Introduction and Commentary
As you probably guessed already, this rp is going to focus around House Hlaalu. The underlying philosophy of this rp is that every quest is ultimately a "side quest" ? there is no group of "main quests" that move the story along, but rather that every decision of the people going about their lives is what moves the world. As such, instead of having some overarching story I plan to fulfill, I have come up with several broad conflicts that will be represented and the actions of the rpers will determine which direction the story goes.
Since the rp is going to focus on House Hlaalu, I must insist that all characters not be members of other Great Houses nor can they be strictly independent ? the first action that any non-Hlaalu characters is joining Hlaalu. Don't worry, I assure you that there will be plenty of room for PvP conflict (as well as cooperation, obviously); as I alluded to in my description, Hlaalu has opposing factions within itself, and you will ultimately be struggling for favor with your House superiors, leadership positions, promotions, and so on. Sometimes different players may be given conflicting goals ? and only one group can succeed.
This rp will also feature players being assigned missions with a variable amount of their fellow rpers. It might sometimes be a solo mission, while other times it might involve all of the players. However, either extreme will be rare, more often there will be a couple groups assigned different tasks.
I hope this rp will be fun and exciting for everyone involved.
1. General rping guidelines apply here (no control of other characters, no Godmodding, etc)
2. As mentioned before, your character is going to be a member of House Hlaalu.
3. As implied before, your character is going to start as a fairly low-ranking member of Hlaalu (there'll be chances for advancement later on, be patient

4. No "uber" characters (I'm willing to be flexible with that definition, but remember #3 ? it would be somewhat silly for a Retainer to have the skills of a House Father).
5. Along the lines of #4, no absurd equipment. It wouldn't make sense to risk your life for a couple hundred gold pieces when the equipment you are wearing is worth tens of thousands (again, though, I'm willing to be somewhat flexible if you have good reasons).
6. Be responsible and realistic. This one is important because I am going to be leaving much of this rp up to individual players ? controlling NPCs you meet, describing interactions with creatures, and so on. I'll be intervening mostly in the role of quest-giver, as important NPCs, and occasionally to do setting things. As such, everyone is counting on you to be fair. Rping is not about winning (hopefully, that goes without saying).
7. Keep your disputes out of your posts as much as possible. That both means don't have a post consisting largely of OOC commentary and also not trying to settle grudges via your character. PM the person who made a post you have some disagreement with and if you can't come to an agreement regarding its validity, PM me.
8. Going back to the dispute-resolution process of #7, please accept my decisions as they pertain to the rp. If you disagree with a decision, you can PM me about it, but please don't bring it into the rp itself.
9. Be active and thorough. I recognize that we all have our own lives outside of this rp, but rps live and die by the activity of their players. Don't think of this rp as some new obligation in your life, but don't think of it as a game of minesweeper either. Try to post enough to keep up with the story and try to avoid really short posts (1-3 lines).
10. In terms of characters, I'm willing to allow players to have multiple characters if and only if they can keep up with it. No more than three, however, simply because it could get confusing. If you are going to do this, be sure to noticeably indicate which of your characters you are playing in each post.
11. Try to use good grammar and spelling, for both presentation and clarity.
12. Don't worry about "winning" ? there will be some plot events where you are going to lose. There are going to be times when groups of players are going for the same goal and only one team can win. Again, don't worry about it. Remember #7 and 8.
Character Sheet
General Information
Name: (Your character's real name, even if he isn't going to use it)
Alias: (Only required if different from the real name)
Gender: (Male or female, even if your character disguises the gender)
Race: (One of the standard Tamriel races (no mixed heritages, please). Remember that if you choose any non-Dunmer you will have problems with the Camonna Tong section of the House)
Age: (Remember the limitations of your race)
Birthsign: (I will accept both Morrowind and Oblivion signs, but indicate which you mean)
Class Information
Class Name and Description: (Custom, if you wish)
Specialization: (Combat, Magic, Stealth. No more than two, if you can help it)
Skills: (I'm a Morrowind kind of guy, so 5 majors, 5 minors from the Morrowind skill set. If you've never played Morrowind or need a refresher,
Height: (Remember your race and gender and use both standard and metric units.
Weight: (Same thing)
Apparent Age: (Don't be silly)
Apparent Gender: (Be careful if different than real gender)
General Appearance: (Again, consider your race and gender)
Standard Attire: (for when you aren't expecting to be fighting and such. If you must, your character can wear armor for this, but have a good reason for it)
Armor: (Remember rule #4)
Weapon(s): (Again, rule #4)
Enchanted items: (Same, remember that "none" is a perfectly legitimate option here)
General Disposition: (Give some insight about your character's attitude towards himself and the rest of the world)
Disposition towards the Empire: (Explain your character's attitude towards the Empire)
Disposition towards the law: (Explain how much respect your character has for the law)
Religion: (Any of the standard Tamriel religions will do, but remember your race)
Past Associations: (Factions your character has been in, e.g., Fighter's Guild)
Please send your character sheet to me for approval before posting. And you'll notice that I omitted the "history" section. That's because it is irrelevant. The history of your character should only determine the above things and in turn determine his interaction with the world. You should have a history of your character thought up, but I feel it is pointless to have you write it out for everyone. If their character wants to know, then they are free to ask. The only history I'm asking for is past associations and only because it will help determine what type of interactions your character might have with some NPCs. Also, note that this sheet is entirely OOC, and players should not assume to know any of the information on the sheets besides what can be readily gathered by their character (appearance, race, some of the equipment information, and, with time, some of the disposition section). When I approve your sheet, you can post. Post it as the first thing in your first post, in OOC tags.
Just as the character sheet is required to be in your first post, so is your application to be in the Hlaalu Inter-House Relations (also known as Eides Seras, or "The Respectables"). There are two different ones, depending on whether your character is already a member of Hlaalu or not.
This will be in-character, but only known to the NPCs I play as. Note, however, that you do not have to be completely truthful in your application, as it is IC. Also, since it IC, don't use game-terms, like when it asks for "specialization/skills" I don't want to see, "Combat. Short blade, athletics, and light armor." ? That's fine for the OOC character sheet, but no one would describe their skills that way in reality. Try something like, "I am an able fighter and skilled with a short sword. My body is in excellent shape and I am able to march long distances as well as move quickly, when needed."
You'll notice a question about your character's "sponsor" ? this was mentioned in the game, but not really developed. Basically, it is the Hlaalu House member who sponsored your admission into the Great House. Don't use someone high up for this, you can even make the person up if you want, but include their name and rank.
Finally, if you are playing as an already-Hlaalu character, no ranks above Retainer are allowed. For ranks in other guilds, nothing higher than the third level. And remember that this is IC, so don't go admitting to being part of criminal organizations (Camonna Tong, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, etc).
For Hlaalu
Place of birth:
Current Residence:
Current Rank:
Original Sponsor:
Describe your skills:
List all other organizations you belong to (and current rank):
Are you willing to carry out tasks that could be potentially dangerous?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
By signing below, you indicate that all of the above information is accurate.
For Non-Hlaalu
Place of birth:
Current Residence:
House Hlaalu Sponsor:
Describe your skills:
List any other organization you belong to (and current rank):
Please list any persons who can speak for your good character and abilities:
Are you willing to carry out tasks that could be potentially dangerous?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
Do you agree to abide by all House Hlaalu laws?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
Do you agree to follow all lawful orders of your superiors in House Hlaalu?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
By signing below, you indicate that all above information is accurate and swear allegiance to the Great House Hlaalu.