So, after much trial and error, I've finally got it. An archaeologist. An engineer. An artist. A man with a passion for culture, history, Deep Folk and all their ingenious instruments of war and self-erasure. For the Dawnguard, I've been trying to come up with a good 'Witchhunter', but for me Skyrim doesn't compliment this classic build now that Turn Undead is no longer a Conjuration spell. Besides, I think summoning things from the outer realms requires a dedication to Magecraft that I am saving for Dragonborn, but one DLC at a time...
I'm thinking: Archery (crossbows) ; Smithing ; Light Armour ; might even get a little crazy and waste some perks on Lockpicking, just for the roleplaying hell of it. I thought about Enchanting, but that's more magic than technology, but I will use it a little just to get the perks that improve recharging. Was thinking about what to use for a melee backup weapon, if any, and reckon I'll just use whatever feels good or if I find something I like in particular. Otherwise, maybe good-old fisticuffs is the way to go.
I greatly look forward to plumbing the depths of the lost cities of the Dwemer, and perhaps developing some vendetta against Clan Volkihar for some plausible reason, or perhaps I just like the look of that Durak fellow's nifty weapon, 'a "Kross - bow" you say?"
Only concern is survivability. I have wits and guile to spare, but those Animunculi weren't left in charge for nothing!
A final consideration is race. I like the way Nords look, the skill bonus' would suit, Battlecry would greatly aid in combat and survivability, and lets face it: playing as a Nord just makes more sense. I like the idea of the Breton race, and they are rather cute, but the heavy emphasis on magic skills doesn't appeal in this particular case. I was thinking of an Orc... I sure do like that racial power of theirs.