» Fri Aug 05, 2011 2:30 am
Sorry, the topic posted before I finished typing.
Anyway, I believe the Bobbleheads should provide perks relevant to their corresponding skills.
I am unsure about Bobbleheads relating to attributes, but I personally think implants should take their place.
Bobbleheads should provide perks that are useful, but aren't really worth taking through the normal perk system, such as Infiltrator or Computer Whiz.
These perks should be handy, but not gamebreaking.
In my suggestions below, I have tried to use pre-established perks as much as possible.
Perks I've had to create will be notated, and I would like to see your suggestions.
BARTER: Fortune Finder: One finds more caps in storage containers.
ENERGY WEAPONS: Vigilant Recycler: One finds more drained energy weapon ammo on corpses, and has more efficient energy weapon ammo crafting recipes.
EXPLOSIVES: Hit the Deck: One receives greater damage threshold versus all explosive weapons.
GUNS: Hand Loader: One finds more hulls and cases on corpses, and has more efficient hand loading crafting recipes.
LOCKPICK: Infiltrator: One has an additional lockpicking attempt on broken locks as the result of a failed force lock attempt.
MEDICINE: Living Anatomy: One can see health & damage threshold of all targets, plus a 5% damage bonus vs. humans and non-feral ghouls.
SCIENCE: Computer Whiz: One has an additional hacking attempt versus locked out terminals as the result of failed hacking.
SNEAK: Silent Running: Running no longer factors into Sneaking success.
SURVIVAL: Lead Belly: One receives 50% less irradiation from irradiated water supplies.
My suggestions:
MELEE WEAPONS: Certain non-throwing melee weapons can be thrown, such as baseball bats or tire irons. Things like chainsaws, which require 'hands on' to run, wouldn't be capable of being thrown. This gives melee-focused characters some additional ranged capacity.
REPAIR: Expand the pool of potential items to repair items with, like Jury Rigging, but less extreme and bizarre. More so than the standard Repair ability, but no repairing chainsaws with baseball bats.
SPEECH: (my favorite suggestion). If the Skill needed for a verbal skill check is 1-5 points less than needed, but your Speech is equal or higher, you can lie your way through the check. Such as an Explosives check is 50, but your Explosives is 45, and your Speech is 50, you can pass the check. Note that this is for VERBAL checks, in which you are trying simply to convince someone you know what you are talking about. It would not include actual actions. If you are skilled at Speech, and at the most only 5 points below a check, then you should be able to convince people you are knowledgeable.
UNARMED: Unarmed Weapons (they should really call those Hand Weapons or something logical) degrade faster OR the ability to throw stuff like baseballs and tin cans (kinda like the character is a rock-it launcher).