» Fri May 13, 2011 11:13 am
Remnants revenge
The once mighty Enclave Is now almost wiped out, but there is a beacon of hope that remains 75 miles North West of D.C. A man named Davith Jamason an Officer who left the Enclave In rage of all the bad things they have done in the past, this man had many followers and friends who Stole three Verta-Birds and headed off to a Space Launch Facility abandoned long ago by the Enclave who once hoped to touch the stars. When Davith arrived he set to work at organizing the base for a disaster that he new soon was to come.
Back at D.C. Enclave where being massacred as a robot of mass destruction made havoc on the streets. Where ever the Enclave went they where hunted Adams Air-Force- Base was soon blasted into oblivion, The Enclave has fallen the remaining where now Remnants. Few to none escaped D.C. alive, thanks to Davith Jamason radio Trans-mission too all Verta-Birds that fled the area made It safely to the Launch Facility.
As the few remaining Verta-Birds where directed to a landing zone, some heaping smoke into the sky and some punched full of bullet holes held few to no Troops inside. The Remnants where directed to a stage, a man stood proud of the men and woman who made It back alive, he made a speech. Davith
"Soldiers of the Enclave these past years of the Enclave have been harsh we have lost many friends and family in these grave times but those times are now behind us for a new Era is about to begin. Many of you where ordered to kill the innocent and worse, but we can change what we have done Remnants of the Enclave, we can help those who need It, Aid who-ever needs it. Are evil past is no more we are going to change we are going to achieve what others have not. Renounce our dark and evil name you that survived disserve more we will not carry that burden, It is Better to die ten thousand deaths, Than to wound our pride and ambition. Remnants of the Enclave we are no more now we are the Old Guard, Where Darkness engulfs our past light can be found."
A flag fell behind Davith on the http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ca/Flag_of_Blue_Ground_White_Sun_and_Moon.svg/800px-Flag_of_Blue_Ground_White_Sun_and_Moon.svg.png&imgrefurl=http://lyricsdog.eu/s/british%2520naval%2520flags&usg=__9QD0z4zvee3KocOJapZX1E4I-Bk=&h=533&w=800&sz=18&hl=en&start=0&sig2=44S7WDN5VUtfbudXzy53KA&zoom=1&tbnid=BPb1VhHsmn17MM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=204&ei=GnKyTZTlJqTk0QHa4NC8CQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dsun%2Bflag%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1413%26bih%3D591%26tbm%3Disch0%2C118&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1112&vpy=289&dur=1076&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=197&ty=130&page=1&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:20,s:0&biw=1413&bih=591 The soldiers where then directed to a tent where there armour was taken.
My character:
Name: Captain Enricks (Full name John Enrick)
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Faction: Enclave (The Old Guard)
Rank within Faction: Captain (Leader of two men that used to be five)
Appearance(can be a pic): Bald with a rough beard a scar going through is eye area (Jerico look)
Apparel(can be a pic): White (Old Guard Armor) (Or Enclave)
Weapons(can be a pic): Lazer Rifle With a Scope that can be taken off or put on.
Personality: Will allways follow orders even with doubts, can pep talk any squad memeber and help boost moral. A very cheerful guy. But angered If forced to do somthing without controll.
Bio: He and his squad where heading to attack project purity in the Verta-Bird when engine problems struck, they where stuck on the ground waiting for a repair until to come, until during the night seeing few Enclave birds fly by damaged and going in the opposite direction they new they had lost and the Enclave was doomed, after days on the radio they heard a stress call about Nellis AFB was wiped out, We where done. The Pilot got the engine running but brotherhood allready found them the defended until the Vert-bird was set but lost everyone but the Pilot and one of Enricks close friends., on the radio was (Troopers you may think was have lost It all you may think there Is no hope and that where doomed, we are not head too 007.653.3435.5) They headed off only to find them selves at a space launch base, everything was about to change.