I think you could have it easily.
People talk about how you could have hardcoe six and be a fluffer in the original Fallouts, and how that makes them so much more progressive than the new ones, but there is no difference in the depiction of six between those first two games and the six in the newer Fallouts.
In the first two fallout's they never actually showed you having six with anyone or "fluffing" anyone. The screen just went black and you woke up next to your partner and/or got some cash. they never actually showed the act of consummation. Exactly the same as the newer Fallouts. That's one thing I just don't get when people bring up about how the originals were so much more "free" with the sixuality. They weren't, the screen went black and you woke up next to the person you were implied to have six with in every Fallout, from 1 to New Vegas. There was no hardcoe six scene with the talking heads in the original Fallouts, just like there is no hardcoe six scene between the polygonal characters in the new ones. There is absolutely no difference in the depiction of six between ANY of the Fallout games.
Just because in fallout 2 you could svck dike for money, it doesnt mean that the new Fallout's are somehow less sixual. In fact, New Vegas is more "racy" with the six than any other fallout before it, what with the scantily clad hokers propositioning you at every corner in that game. In the originals I don't ever remember you being propositioned by people for paid six. In the originals the only characters you could have six with were certain were set piece characters (again with nothing shown, only implied), or you could "fluff"and/or have six with a "pormstar" (again with only implications) you never actually saw because there was no actual scene of you svcking a dike.
sorry, but having the perk "porm star" in a game doesn't make it more free in the sixuality department than its successors, just because the new ones don't give you the ability to have that title. (I know that in the older titles if you are a porm star then drugs cost more and you might not be able have six with some people, but none of that actually changes how the game is played.)
This idea may be crazy, but maybe, just maybe the developers of the new games thought that giving you the title of "porm Star" doesn't actually add anything of substance to the game (since becoming a porm star was SO integral to the plot of fallout 2
). If you think that becoming a porm star is so integral to the progression/personality of your character then there are plenty of websites I can point you to that do just that (you have to PM me, though, because they are all NSFW). Being a porm star in Fallout 2 was one of the most pointless and throwaway things in that game. The only thing it did was change your ability to (not) have six with certain characters. but since it didn't exist in 3 it has become a tent-pole argument for how 3 ruined everything that is fallout. Sorry, but svcking and [censored] is not what makes fallout, fallout.