I ask you, would you like to participate in a game of wit and logic? If so here are the rules:
1. For the sake of order let's stick to one riddle at a time.
2. Someone will pose a riddle for everyone to try and guess
3. The first person to guess correcty gets to pose the next riddle. If they can't think of one they can choose to give their "turn" to someone else.
4. Make sure to quote the riddle as to avoid any confusion
5. If the person who asked a riddle has not been in the thread to tell people if they were correct or not for a few days then it will become "open floor" So, anyone can come up with the next riddle.
1. For the sake of order let's stick to one riddle at a time.
2. Someone will pose a riddle for everyone to try and guess
3. The first person to guess correcty gets to pose the next riddle. If they can't think of one they can choose to give their "turn" to someone else.
4. Make sure to quote the riddle as to avoid any confusion
5. If the person who asked a riddle has not been in the thread to tell people if they were correct or not for a few days then it will become "open floor" So, anyone can come up with the next riddle.
Current Riddle:
First, think of a person who lived in disguise,
who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies.
Next, tell me what is always the last thing to mend,
the middle of middle and end of the end.
And finally, give me the sound that is often heard,
during the search for a hard-to-find word.
Now string them together and answer me this:
Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?
who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies.
Next, tell me what is always the last thing to mend,
the middle of middle and end of the end.
And finally, give me the sound that is often heard,
during the search for a hard-to-find word.
Now string them together and answer me this:
Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?
I'll check in the morning to see if anyone got it (roughly 6 hours from now)