Fredas, 21st of First Seed in Tamriel
The following was discovered in a ruin located on one of the Yokudan islands and is credited to "Muhaddith al-Ohmen". The Imperial Western Historical conference is still in the process of dating this writing as well as making full sense of its origin.
"In the glory of the almighty and powerful Auriel (blessed be his name), we pray that the immaculate and glorious soul of Vizier Abdul-Jaffar find piece in a paradise of his own devising. We pray that through glory and blood that the Vizier has walked the left-handed path and found peace in his own identity. We pray that he has found release though Haurvatat and pray that he has slain his adversary and thus found himself as the almighty Auriel (blessed be his name) did. In glory and honor we pray."
As the Ayatollah finished the blessing rights, he opened the urn containing the Vizier's ashes and uttered a magical incantation, immediately lighting the small twigs added to the ashes ablaze with green fire. He placed the urn on a pedestal, knelt, touched his forehead and then retreated back into the first row of spectators.
These were the rights that were said at every funeral for the recently deceased. These were the ways of Auriel's true followers. These were the ways of those that found true enlightenment through the teachings of Auriel. These were the ways of those the swung their swords with their left hands and drank their adversaries' blood with their tongues.
Vizier Abdul-Jaffar was a great man. He had lived long and fought with honor. Born into a family of Targoat farmers, the Vizier longed for greater things. For years he had served the Caliph fighting insurgent men and azi eventually traveling up the military ladder. His proficiency in al-kimia also lead to his recognition as one of the top mages of Yokuda. It was no wonder that at the young age of only 133 years Abdul-Jaffar was appointed the Caliph's Vizier. Most are sure that the Vizier had reached Haurvatat. After all, if one as great as he had not, then what hope could any of the commoners have?
That day not only marked the Vizier's passing, but also a much more important event. This was the day, in the dawn, that Auriel himself had reached Haurvatāt. The day of new beginnings and new hopes as well as the start of the New Year. This of course was another omen convincing many of the Vizier's success at the endeavor. Never before had this been observed before. Even the young children and uneducated farmers were aware of how unusual this was. Rumors even surfaced that the Vizier may have been a reborn Auriel. Thoughts of reincarnation go against doctrine and are thus false, but non the less showcase the amazing coincidence this day had marked.
Soon after the funeral ended, the royal court's celebration of the New Year commenced. The festivities started with the traditional slaying of three fowls and ended (as always) with much merriment (it was rumored that the local prankster Imez al-Hazhed managed to release a flock of imot into he banquet hall). At the conclusion of the festivities (as always) a group of newly inducted Hojatoleslam led the royal court in the traditional credo:
Conflict is life
I chose my enemy and oppose him
I hate my enemy with all my being
I fight my enemy with all my being
The more I fight, the more I am
The more I hate, the more I am
My enemy and I are only separated by conflict
The more I kill, the stronger I become
The more I hate, the stronger I become
I am all that matters.
I can reach heaven through violence
I am a god in my own right
This concludes my short recording of this momentous day. This is my gift for future Muhaddith, commissioned by the royal court, so that they may study and learn.
For the Glory of Auriel (blessed be his name)
Muhaddith al-Ohmen
So yeah, today's the start of the Persian New Year, Norooz, so I thought I'd write something about the left-handed elves seeing they're (presumably if you anolyze Redguard culture) Persian-esque (at least partly).