oo: With some difficulty a subway line from the edge of the Grand National Mall to the DC-Citadel had been cleared and secured by the Orders of Steel. Only one of the monolines was usable and along this moved fairly quickly two locomotives with nine carriages between them so there was no need of turn around.
Sarah Lyons dropped off the briefly halting monotrain, along with the Lyons Pride, and Knight Captain Gallows. The power armoured figures moved in formation past a Brotherhood of Steel outpost who briefly opened an armoured gate for them, with scouts in scout power armour moving ahead of them. They had a new technology working for them, being streamlined, sped up eyebots called zipbots that would send back any urgent data from the scouts or go the other way with orders. This was because radio communications were both tricky and prone to discovery by enemies.
Elder Lyons wanted to know what had happened to a unit led by Knight Sergeant York in the Grand National Mall along with some Sisters of Metaphysics who had vanished in the area. The Lyon's Pride was to go into an area of subways that had a bad reputation even by the standards of the DC-Wastelands. Stories of haunting, monsters more terrible than deathclaws or behemoths and much else circulated about that particular area rough south-west from the Grand National Mall. Making matters worse was that it was under the big DC-River and some areas were flooded with radded water, a favourite spot for mirelurks and other nasties.
They trudged along a dark, gently winding subway that had probably been built and abandoned in the 1800s or so she guessed. That it was still intact was something of a miracle but, by the groaning noises sometimes heard, a miracle that might end any time.
The scouts were all three veterans who did not like what they sensed. They went out ahead but Sarah Lyons, for the first time, insisted they stay fairly close and even in range of night-vision sight.
They came out over a great wooden and metallic bridge, strongly built with heavy cast-iron girders, columns, chains and other structures and even, strangely enough, flying-buttresses. Below fell an abyss deeply into the dark depths below. They kept moving but the scouts fell back towards the group as if sensing something very wrong and seeking protection.
Something flickered. JAGAF and SEARF stood there but were not fighting. In stealth power armour they formed a mutually protective pattern. One spoke to Sarah. "Knight Captain Lyons, come at once. You are in danger, all of us are in danger, as long as we are on this bridge. The way back is blocked now. This is a trap. We must go in the direction you were going in."
They all began running across the bridge, going as quickly as those in standard power armour could go. Sarah was now grateful she left behind the heavy power armour, the walking light battletanks of the power armour infantry. The bridge seemed much sturdier than did the tunnel they had gone through earlier.
Then they were off the bridge and running past the dead bodies, clothes, armour and other items of what seemed like a whole lot types. Raiders, deformed zhouls, mercenaries and much else. Strangest of all were some World War Two vintage steel hats of American GIs, what seemed like a American Civil War hat and even a musket rifle. Everything was covered in a softly glowing transparent green tinted jelly substance of some kind. None of it made any sense.
Something big and powerful whipped up over the bridge and smashed down against it, a massive armoured tentacle of scale plating. It smashed around in evident frustration and fury. Then a mininukes booby-trap detonated as prepared by the super-soldiers. Five mininukes and some very nasty shrapnel exploded outwards. The tentacle rippled and big chunks were torn off it and an inhuman scream echoed through the tunnel. Then the tentacle flashed away and was gone back into the depths.
SEARF and JAGAF troopers led them into another tunnel, also very old of the 1800s. They slowed down and then stopped. So did Knight Captain Sarah Lyons, recently promoted. She took off her helmet and looked around. One SEARF and one JAGAF trooper did the same. She now faced a youthful woman, SEARF, and a youthful man, JAGAF.
The SEARF trooper stepped forward. "I am Major Keletine-012a. Now we proudly use our numbers also. I am six and a half years old, a hard veteran of my kind."
Sarah Lyons studied the trooper with a half smile, astonished at the actual young age of this one, and then saluted smartly. "A proud veteran than. Can you explain the jelly substance and those in it?"
The SEARF officer saluted back and seemed, somehow, pleased by the gesture. "These tunnels were built secretly in the time of President Abraham Lincoln of the USA. The reason we know this is just ahead of us in a room filled partly with the jelly substance that preserves things perfectly. We found top secret files, maps and such like there. We do not understand the nature of the jelly substance though we found some notes about it being used to preserve items. Come with us."
They found not only the jelly substance but a whole large chamber filled with American Civil War vintage furniture and fittings along with those from later periods of time. Metal filing-cabinets, 2Dflatscreens, early 'robots' that were actually remote controlled devices, assault-rifles, DVDs, other disks and much else. There was even a fully functioning NukaCola vending-machine in one corner that was half full of bottles of the famously infamous drink.
The SEARF and JAGAF had set up an outpost base in the chamber. They had carefully selected items to remove from the glowing green jelly substance. They were drinking hot cocoa with condensed milk and were loving it, eating canned C'rations and enjoying them but strangest of all they even liked MREs (Meals Ready to Eat). Actually by the 2050s MREs were very efficient, mildly delicious and parts of them were reusable or recyclable; they also had 101 flavours to choose from.
Odd saucer shaped robots, SEARSRs (Special Encounter Assault Recon Special Robots), were hovering close to the ceiling or were drifting around on patrol. SEARSAs (Special Encounter Assault Recon Special Androids) were in standard power armour of a sleeker looking design than those of the Brothers of Steel.
Sarah Lyons watched with astonishment as a SEARF officer touched a box of secret files (manila files of World War Two vintage) and it vanished with a sparkling shimmer. Then something appeared out of mid-air with a sparkling shimmer being about the same weight as the item as had vanished. It was a smaller but just as heavy box of ammo.
The SEARF Major spoke. "We are deeper to the hub now and we have gained new abilities. We have the genetic inheritance of President James Patriot Jackson himself who could teleport small things to and from his own superclones. Such abilities must be used with care. It is always best to exchange one teleported item for another of as close to identical weight as possible. Such as volume and mass are also important. We are sending files to a special place. Copies of all will be sent to the DC-Citadel as soon as possible. The great tentacles and other threats mean that we must abandon this chamber in twenty-four hours or less. We would appreciate your assistance."
Knight Captain Gallows took off his helmet and scowled. "You are stealing the property of the USA. As former members of the US military the Brotherhood of Steel should take first?"
Sarah cut him off. "There is no USA anymore, Knight Captain Gallows, and both the SEARF and the JAGAF were also part of the US military. Also I do not see us getting all this stuff back across that crazy bridge."
Gallows nodded. "What of the stiffs in the jelly?"
The SEARF Major responded matter of factly. "Many are still alive but suspended and others are able to be reanimated though this is a tricky process. Sending them will be more difficult but we can bring in reinforcements with the same process."
There was the muffled sound of gunfire, including a launcher firing, but it ended as quickly as it had come. There was the hideous scream of mindless, deformed zhouls that died down as the survivors fled. Despite much misinformation, zhouls did run away from fruitless death or at least many of them did, normally the survivors.
It soon turned out that the SEARF wanted to focus on sending and gaining items through their own special form of teleportation while the JAGAF and Brothers of Steel helped guard the area. About half the SEARF supported the defence including most of the androids and the robots. They had also put down portable turrets.
Sarah sat and went through various bits of data from various centuries. She was often amazed, sometimes sickened and at times bewildered. There seemed to be little rhyme or rhythm to what was stored in that place; it had all been just dumped there, seemingly, with out any reason for doing so recorded in that place. All items did have at least some information with them such as dates of storage.
In the Great Dark Ages of the early Twenty-First Century when humanity had almost come to an end, much had been destroyed of earlier periods of history. Major cities had been totally destroyed. Easily a billion people had perished with plague, famine, pestilence, war and other disasters. Yet in that chamber were records and artefacts from those decades.
Sarah read through a page of Esperanto writing, the language of the United Nations Emergency Regulatory Enclave Network or UNEREN, she was struck by the odd statements in it. She went to slip the page into a pouch but even as she started to do so a slimly armoured but amazingly strong hand was gripping her power armoured wrist. Sarah found she could not budge.
The SEARF Major stood next to her and smiled. "Please do not try to do that again or we will cease to cooperate with your people, leaving you to survive alone in this very dangerous place."
Sarah cursed softly and the marshal removed her hand. Then Knight Captain Lyons spoke. "Okay, a moment of stupid temptation but the notes are most curious. It speaks of something called the Agreed Intervention of 2025. The oceans of the world were sown with cloned life of plankton, seamoss and celltoks even as the climate was readjusted. Then there were the troobles. They spread like a plague across the world but they were not only fairly easy to hunt but also surprisingly nutritional and could be eaten raw or easily cooked. Troobles on land, gillables in the sea, fluttables in the air. They still exist in some areas of the world but not in the DC-Wastelands. UNEREN claimed it had done the 'good deed' but many did not believe them. Senator James Patriot Jackson claimed responsibility and was believed by many. It was a major blow to the UNEREN and their plans to build a new World Government based on the world wide network of Enclaves including the North American based Eagle-Enclave. According to this it was the UNEREN that actually carried out the work."
"We know!" The Major took the file from Sarah and slipped the page away. "President James Patriot Jackson used to brag to his close followers about how he 'stole the thunder of those damned Enclavers' by a clever lie backed up by some simple deceptions. But he far from tricked everybody and it was for many around the world, including the USA, the deciding moment when they turned against JPJ. For in doing what he did he damaged more then the reputation of the Enclavers. He did political and commercial damage to various big corporations, universities and other groups including the new Soviets. Come with me. If you thought that was interesting, you will love what I have to show you."
It was a big wooden ornate wardrobe of British Victorian design. It was polished oak by the look. It seemed somehow more real than real with two big double doors in the centre, a row of very big drawers to the left and a wide, tall mirror to the right.
Sarah nodded. "Very impressive, it's a wardrobe and yet, there is something odd about it, something that draws one's attention. It seems somehow to be more solid than solid. It reminds me of something. Oh, yes, the magical wardrobe in the classical 2020s 3Dmovie of THE WITCHES, THE WIZARD AND THE WARDROBES, a story of the amazing realm of Ozarnia."
The SEARST nodded. "It is one of President James Patriot Jackson's weird inventions, one of his artefacts of power that somehow he created secretly and alone. It is not known how many of these powerdrobes actually exist. Each is multiple functional but each is mainly a gateway between each other and, we suspect, into a very special kind of virtual reality realm or realms where President James Patriot Jackson still survives."
Knight Captain Sarah Lyons scowled. "We have enough trouble with super-mutants with out that."
"But both are linked." The super-soldier responded. "Somehow President James Patriot Jackson is behind what the super-mutants are doing in and beneath the Grand National Mall. Solving one problem means solving both. The super-mutants are apparently after something that will help free the Mad President."
The chamber shook a little and some items fell off the edge of a wall shelf to go crashing to the floor. It appeared that the tentacle monster was active again.
But then the SEARF trooper turned to her and spoke. "Many things are falling from low orbit, brought down by an unknown force, and a new, smaller moon has appeared in the sky."
Sarah stopped in shock.