I find it a 'bit of fun', definitely not to take too seriously.
It's interesting to me to see how the 400 or so review sites 'call' the year.
Certainly only the outlier sites announcing GOTY at the moment, for most purposes it's just too early.
I find it a 'bit of fun', definitely not to take too seriously.
It's interesting to me to see how the 400 or so review sites 'call' the year.
Certainly only the outlier sites announcing GOTY at the moment, for most purposes it's just too early.
with persona 5 being pushed back fallout has absolutely no competition in my eyes, it's already my goty
*Cough* Metal Gear Solid V *Cough*
Seriously though, it's looking like The Phantom Pains will be taking GOTY despite being an incomplete game. Even though I'm peeved about the whole Konami BS, I'll be happy if this is the case, especially since it's Kojima's last MG game.
Ok I'm going to exhume this thread from its proverbial grave... I think with the weight of critic adoration that MGS:V will be the consensus goty.It's not my personal pick, but it can't be understated how much critics (wrongfully) extolled The Phantom Pain.
I think The Witcher 3 will win most of them. Not based on anything very solid, just feels like the game mentioned most when GOTY is brought up by folk.
For me personally, it's between The Witcher 3 and Fallout 4. Haven't decided yet, maybe when I actually see everything there is to see in Fallout 4.
The witcher 3 seems to be the 'gaming communities' GOTY, but within the gaming critic sphere I'm not sure if TW3 will surpass TPP.
In terms of awards I think there's a chance of Fallout 4 lagging behind TW3 and TPP.
For me Life is Strange MIGHT be my GOTY, but I'm also still undecided (and I need to finish Pillars of Eternity).
Interestingly, Fallout 4 has its first GOTY award from the Spanish site: http://www.buzzfeed.com/johnfajardo/estos-son-los-mejores-juegos-de-2015#.hg9EKM1VNl.
The Witcher III is just in front at this point.
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4: The Witcher III Wild Hunt
3: Metal Gear Solid V (The Phantom Pain) AND The Witcher III Wild Hunt
1: Fallout 4