Two direct hit's with JAW take gunship so good to have people with JAW's in team. Also JAW is perfect for shooting people at long distance, multi kills, and you can correct trajectory if u need. Also JAW is great for "ninja attacks from above" in mid range

Basically when someone run behind cover and you can't hit him standing on the ground, then jump on some building or object, power jump into air and blast his ass from above. Those hit & run attacks are great and in most cases enemy even don't know from where did you come and what even happened until he watch kill cam xD
Honestly, even sniper with JAW can make some good hell, i did use JAW many times while sniping in lighthouse. Sometimes enemy get close to your location and start to spray&pray at your loc. so you just grab JAW and wipe him. Why JAW not sniper rifle for mid range rambos? Because at mid range trying to aim for fast kill makes you vulnerable to being hit by random head shoots, and JAW don't really req. any aiming xD