Exactly a year ago I released the first module of my rock replacer. Now I'm glad to announce the release of the last Vvardenfell module.
With this, all the rocks of the Vvardenfell island have been replaced with high detail models!
Molag Amur was the hardest region to complete for two reasons: first, it has more rocks than any other zone, and second, these rocks have many different textures. You'll notice that the new module is bigger than the former ones: that's because, as I said, it contains several textures and the corresponding normal maps.
Not all the Molag Amur rocks have been redone. There are a number (10-12) of rock meshes in the Morrowind BSA that are undefined in the CS or defined in the CS but never used in game. I didn't replace these, as it looked like useless work to me. Maybe they're used somewhere in a mod? If so, point it to me so that I can add them in a future upgrade.
I'm not inserting any screenshot because I'm too sleepy at the moment. I'll add them tomorrow.

PS. About the fixed RM rocks. I'm making some more adjustments, but I think it will be released shortly. I just wanted to complete the last region fisrt.