I'll be a much calmer and happier person when I am no longer bombarbed with this crap everywhere I turn. I threw up in my mouth when I learned theres a Monarchists League in Canada.
and in the United States too :shakehead:
as an American I have a very hard time seeing the justification of the royal family's existence. English people tell me that it's like the British Version of the obsession with actors. I don't know how the Monarchy functions within the British Government, but all I have to say is that I would never, ever pay a dime in taxes to those spoiled, posh aristocrats, and I sincerely hope that no English citizen is forced to do the same because that to me is just sad and manipulative. As far as I can tell they serve absolutely no function in Britain other than to be an icon. They're whole lives revolve around being posh and pampered and don't seem to actually have any authority or usefulness in the furthering of Britain's standard of living.
again, I know nothing about the modern day British Royalty so for all I know they may be the most useful members of society, but from the little I've seen I'm not impressed or at all endeared by them.
and yes, I am aware of my own hypocrisy, I know these same arguments could be made about American actors and even a few politicians, there's no doubt about that and I won't deny, which is why I don't tend to pay too much attention to Hollywood either