OOC:Okay im still waiting for darkom to catch up so I might have us take a detour here in a second if thats okay with you guys. If hes not on by saturday then ill kill him off and well be done witht he prison forEVER!!!!!

Right, well, I made time, sorry for the delay. I'll read up over the past posts to get a gist of where you want me to be, but if I take a wrong turn let me know

Baal and Karst won't be taking the sewers, if that's alright. I'm not entirely sure of the situation or the layout of the prison, so I'll just be making stuff up as I go. Hopefully this will take me most of the way out. Thanks.
IC: Baal frowned slightly, the amused look still playing in his eyes, as Karst retreated from her kill, apparently appalled by what she had done. "Oh gods," the stark Khajiit whispered, terrified, "What have I don? I- I killed him... with my..."
Before the Dunmer could bark out a laugh, the Khajiit fell, vomiting crimson bile, gripping Baal's thin shoulder with a furious grip. The woman trembled, Baal supporting her with one wiry strong arm. She tripped, apparently still in shock, and fell onto Baal's thin chest, wrapping one hand around his neck as if in embrace. He felt her sobbing weight against him, and for once he was practically speechless. Practically, not completely.
"Oh my, Karstine what has come over you? Just a little blood, nothing to fear. We'll have that fixed soon enough," the demon smiled, lowering the Khajiit onto a dry piece of turf gently, wiping the vomit from her strangley elvish lips tenderly. The Dunmer turned up just in time to see another guard staring at him, wide eyed with fright. He obviously knew who Baal was.
The Dunmer stood, throwing his gaunt face back in a feral laugh, his dancing eyes sparkling manically. His small filed-to-a-point teeth seemed to be stained with blood once more, or was it simply the light? The poor Imperial could see only Oblivion himself in the man, and his own death besides. Though Baal was heartless, he was no fool, and decided lazily not to pursue the terrified man as he fleed for his life.
Instead, Baal took Karst by the arms, slinging the Khajiit over his shoulder effortlessly, despite his frail stature. With the intriguing woman secure, Baal strode slowly out of the yard, daring any of the legionnaires to try and follow him. He made for a small side door- he didn't know exactly if it led out, but he would surely run into an exit eventually, be it a door or window, an ungerground tunnel or a flight from the rooftops. Though the first option was surely preferrable, in truth the method mattered little to Baal, so long as he left these cold walls behind.
The Dunmer whistled a cheery tune as he walked down the halls, the normally raucous corridors eerily quiet. He was beginning to think every soul in the prison was either on to Arkay or in the yard, when suddenly a black cloaked man seemed to materialize around the next corner. Baal said nothing at first, matching the pale Breton's stare with a bemused look of his own, setting Karst gently against the gray wall.
Baal waited patiently, smiling at the man, until the hooded figure's gaze broke, flicking away for the briefest of moments. Baal responded with an emotionless laugh, his arms folded squarely across his thin chest, sizing the man up. Though he was taller than Baal, he seemed even skinnier because of it, his sharp features adding to the lanky appearance. His ice blue eyes turned sharply into a large hooked nose, the paper thin slit that formed his lips hardly visible. The rest of the man was obscured under a full suit of black, like the assassins of the Brotherhood and Tong back in Morrowind, a large cloak open over top of that. The Breton drew his hood back, revealing a full head of wild black hair, curling at the ends, curious with his serious face.
"The Masters have need of you," the Breton said curtly, his eyes commanding Baal to follow. Baal's own gaze scoffed in return, mock disbelief lighting his features.
"Do they now? Have "the masters" permitted you to tell me any more? Or would you have to kill me?" Baal chuckled; the whole scene reminded him of a favorite book of his. Though the title escaped him, the similarity was uncanny, laughable.
The dark man's thin eyebrows deepened their scowl, his words dragging out of him, as if each cost a part of him to say, "Yes. The Book Masters of Black Inc., a guild working for the future of Tamriel."
Baal recalled the strange letter he had recieved earlier, the same Black Inc. that started the riot in the yard, that made his escape possible. Baal had never been a very appreciative man, though the premise amused him sufficiently enough not to kill the man.
that Black Inc., of course. So that's what they're after, eh? Sounds very noble for such an ominous bunch of folks." Baal kept smiling, his sardonic sense of humor coming in full force now that his bloodlust had been sated.
The Breton continued staring; apparently he didn't appreciate the Dunmer's comments.
"But of course, how could I forget. I am Baal, Hanniel Baal, Dr. Monster." The Breton began to speak, but Baal cut him off, taking a step forward, his head cocking slightly to the side, "Though you, of course, already knew that, didn't you? Yes, I'm sure; your type is always very well informed about his targets. Did you all plan the riot, or was it just a convenient side effect of those letters?"
The Breton was practically shaking now, anger flaring in his icy eyes. Baal stood, seeming to mock him with his very presence, until the man's paper-lips moved again, trembling ever so slightly, "Yes, Doctor, we did know. Now if you will follow me, they want you outside."
'First we, then they? Is he trying to test me? Certainly it was purposeful, telling me this was no longer his decision. But was it just out of malignance, or respect?' Baal smiled, "But of course," and chuckled softly as the cloaked man strode away, down the hall he had appeared in, and through a small side door. Baal raised an eyebrow, then dismissed the man. If he had been tasked with leading Baal out, he would not readily leave his target behind.
The Dunmer took his sweet time, his small teeth flashing at the thought of the man waiting ever-so-patiently just inside that room. Baal knelt down beside Karst, shaking the white Khajiit gently by the shoulder, brushing a lock of red hair from her face with his other hand- his six fingered hand.
"Karstine, my dear, wake up. An interesting situation has come up, and I would very much love to have you in it. Come now, there's no time to waste."
OOC: Sorry about the minor control, Aula. You can wake up before that if you'd like, just to hear the conversation, or you can ask Baal about the Breton later. Up to you, I don't mind either way.
Fox, I hope you don't mind how I introduced my Black Inc. guy. Let's just say for convenience sake that Black Inc. has another exit, but it was on the other side of the prison from you lot. Thanks