OOC: Aw, Fox, you ruined all my fun

I'll have my reply to Aulakauss and Jonas then, and then deal with your warden. Thanks.
IC: Baal looked up towards the sky, content to watch the clouds pass by. The blue of the sky was really something not to be imitated, art painted with a divine brush, truly a dream within dreams. He was brought out of his musings by the smooth voice of an elven woman, though her scent was unmistakable Khajiit, "Hey, is it okay if I talk to him?"
The Dunmer looked down, finding that his nose had once again been correct, as a stark white Khajiit with a flat Ohmes elven face stood before his guards. He immediately took a liking to the woman, and not simply because her lean and supple body looked absolutely scrumptious.
His fine toothed smile flicked into a sneer under his mask as one of the legionnaires guarding him laughed at the woman, Baal knew it to be the outer-door-man, though he had never caught his name. "Your funeral Khajiit. Have at it."
She approached him slowly, obviously alarmed by his appearance and restraints. However, her head cocked back in what passed for a smile among Khajiit, her eyes innocently adventerous.
"Heya. I don't think I've seen you about, before. I'm Karst," she said, her elven voice faltering, "Would you... like some company for a bit?"
(Please, Jonas, I ignore no one)
Baal smiled at the woman, even if she couldn't see his mouth through the slits of the mask the smile sparkled in his eyes, the points of light dancing in rhythym once more. "Indeed, it would not surprise me if we had not met, dear Karst. Is that your full name- I'm afraid I'm not one for nicknames, they seem too... shallow." Baal chuckled lightly, looking away for a moment, his manner cordial decorum.
"I am Hanniel Baal, Dr. Hanniel Baal, for what it's worth in here. Perhaps you've heard of me, the Courier was quite polite in publishing my exploits some time ago." He tilted his head back up to look at the woman, his smile questing, searching her mind with every curve of her face, every motion in her eyes. Her red brows and mane were a curiosity, though he doubted she had dyed them that way. They seemed almost elven, like her voice, like her eyes; a half breed? An interesting find, Baal had known there was something about this one.
He wanted to press further, to examine every corner of her being, to find what made her seem so... worthwhile, but he was interrupted in short order. A tall Breton sporting strange blonde hair and heavy manacles approached him, a smug look in his emerald eyes.
"Evenin'," the man said, his brightness oddly out of place, almost forced, "A man who rarely sees sunlight, like myself, also does not have the pleasure of speaking to his fellow inmates too often. I have heard of you, Baal is it?"
Baal kept his gaze focused on the white Khajiit, not turning to face the man he had seen approach from the corner of his eye, his musk holding undertones of murder. He gave a final beseeching smile to Karst, "If you'll excuse me, miss, it seems I have become quite the popular fellow," before turning slowly to face the murderer.
The Dunmer's thin nostrils flared, taking in a final summary of the man's scent,
'Something further than blood in him, perhaps he's not as dull as I thought.'"I don't think I caught your name, my good man," his cheery eyes retained their smile, their swirling sheen of blood, and his tone remained reserved, but a murderous air settled around Baal's words, a veiled threat only a man like this would pick up on.
"'Tis a shame you miss the light, my friend, but far more that you miss company. Such a prison goes far deeper than shackles, or even the odd mask," the aura of death dropped away suddenly, his small teeth flashing between the vertical slits in the leather, his scarlet tongue coated with false honey, "Perhaps soon we might break these irons with blood," he studied the man perhaps more intently than the woman, though his gaze held a differing intent. With the Khajiit it had been for the amusemant of it, but this man he might enjoy breaking.
'All in good time, all in good time,' Baal mused, his smile melting away, "Or perhaps we'll join the others, the iron crushing us under its weight, splitting our necks in a bloody spew." Baal licked his lips eeriely, a far more revolting gesture given his tastes; something he knew quite well, and used it to his advantage whenever he could. His position held a certain authority, why not use it?
Some commotion was occurring over in the main field, the air was filled with the obnoxious squeel of swinging gates, but Baal felt no urge to determine the source. The man before him, and the Khajiit beside him were, to him, far more entertaining.
OOC: Eh, blah dialogue. It's too late to go back and fix, sorry about that, I couldn't keep my promise :cryvaultboy: