OOC: Wow, this is getting crazy. I advise someone from the Black company waiting outside, and when people escape they gather them together, so we can all find each other once we're out without too much difficulty. Also, ellipses lose their power when you use them all the time. Periods would suffice

And Darkom if your still in your cage im giving you permission to unlock your vest if you want. You can go ahead and say that your character had a key the entire time so that you can escape, i'm sure you can have some fun with killing the guards.
Can do

I have a bit of a plan with Aulakauss at the moment, but I will certainly have a lot of fun. Thanks.
IC: Before the Breton could give a reply, Baal heard his name from the warden's platform. This was not the first time he had seen the warden, though the elf's stature still brought a smile to his face. He was obviously compensating with this cruelty, abusing his power because of some inferiority complex.
"Oh my dear prisoners. Today things have changed around here, after today you will know that in this prison no man escapes my iron hammer of justice." The wood elf looked over to Baal's corner of the yard, smiling maliciously, "And for some of you here, you're now regretting that you know clearly what I'm talking about. And both of us know that after today, you're going to be spending the rest of eternity under 6 feet of anvil dirt."
Baal returned the smile, his eyes shining at the Bosmer, though his teeth were still hidden by the mask. The crowd went into a general uproar as a dog began sniffing around the prison yard, the beast's handler writing down names as he went. One Dunmer in the audience spoke up, as if his words would change the warden's mind, "Over recieving a letter?"
The dog handler gave his list to the warden; the elf's smile grew even wider as he scanned the parchment.
"My friends, today I reveal the faces of my enemies. Today I show who has compromised our prison. I'm about to show you and your Black Inc. whose really in charge of this prison. Now let's see here." He looked down at his list once more.
"It looks like our first winner is Karstine Zeterra!" Much of the mob assembled before the platform turned to look towards Baal. Or more specifically, the Khajiit woman next to him.
'So Karstine is her name. And she too recieved a letter, most curious.'The showy warden continued reading off names, several prisoners Baal had never seen nor heard of. One by one the named individuals were put on the spotlight, their fellow prisoners regarding them with a mixture of fear and anger.
"But we have one more, ladies and gentlemen. A special man not on this list. He's the one that made this all possible, come on everybody let's give a big hand to Dr. Hanniel Baal. Without the guard reading his letter we would've never found these people."
Baal chuckled softly,
'So that's that. Makes sense I suppose, I knew that letter was authentic, but I never would have guessed he would take it this seriously. Oh Trenus, how predictable of you.' The Dunmer gave a large nod, showing everyone in the yard that he knew perfectly well what the elf was talking about. He gave a slight bow from his seat, his hands cuffed behind him, his small face hidden behind the mask.
One of the men the warden called out, a Redguard, bolted through the crowd, trying to escape from the yard brimming with guards.
'Fool.'"Sieze him!" The warden called out, his small Bosmer face growing red with fury, "Sieze every last one of them!" The warden's guards began marching down the stage, weapons drawn, approaching the prisoners menacingly. Most of the inmates seemed to surrender, putting their hands up and being escorted off the grounds without much fight, but many of the others fought back. Most of the prisoners died to the guards' swords, but some kept fighting, using the legionnaires' own weapons against them.
Baal smiled at the riot that began to break out, the madness that ensued. The bright smell of blood was thick in the air, and he took it all in with a deep breath, followed by a satisfied sigh. His eyes began shining madly, the two guards standing behind him drawing their weapons, growing nervous at the three prisoners before them, two of whom were certified killers.
The Dunmer turned to face them slowly, his eyes seething bloodlust, his smile bright and flashing between the mask's slits. One of them, the outer door man, broke and ran, into the mass of prisoners, joining his fellow guards, but the other, Trenus, drew his sword, steel showing on his stern face.
"Don't even think about it, Hanniel. I'll cut you down before you can flinch." His eyes seemed steady, but his voice betrayed an inner doubt. He knew better than anyone how dangerous Baal could be, and he had spent the last two years of his life thinking about it every day.
"Trenus, silly Trenus, don't you know all this is your fault? If you had disposed of that letter properly none of this would have happened. You would still be going home to your family tonight, safe and sound, with me locked up in my cell. But now, now you have gone too far. I have been patient with you, Trenus Inian, but now, now you have slipped up. You guarded me day in and day out, but now there is no door between us, no metal slot to speak through. It's just you and me, and something tells me that you can't do it, you can't kill me." Baal smiled all the while, his suave voice laced with subtle threats, playing on the man's every fear, every pride.
The Imperial stood for a moment, his eyes wavering, the steel gone. His sword shook in his hand, his legs trembling; the fear had set in, there was no hope for him now.
"You have the key to these shackles, no? Well, why don't you be a good little boy and give it to me, so you can go back to Selena tonight. Come now, Trenus, I promise no harm will come to you." And Baal meant what he said, he had no intention of killing the man, so long as he did what Baal told him.
"N-no. I won't do it Baal, I won't let you go."
"Playing the hero, Trenus? How naive. Well, I suppose it can't be helped then. I'll drop by your house later and break the news to Selena." Baal licked his lips menacingly, a soft laugh escaping through his mask, "You know, I'm giving serious thought... to eating your wife."
Trenus' face turned from fear to rage, his sword raising up behind his head, ready to strike the psychotic Dunmer down, "You bastard!"
Baal jumped up from the seat suddenly, a flash through the air, the Imperial's sword striking the bench, digging deep into the wood. The Imperial tried to pull it out, but it was stuck fast. He looked up at Baal once more, the fear back in his eyes, as the Dunmer smiled down at him.
He turned to the Khajiit beside him, Karst, and caught her eyes calmly, "Karstine, my dear, would you mind unstrapping this mask while Trenus rethinks his decision?"
OOC: Sorry about the long post, this guy is just too much fun