The Runes

Post » Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:17 am

Am I the only one interested in Runes? For those unaware, Runes are found in the destruction school. From what I have gathered, a rune is placed on the ground and is activated when someone walks over it. This has been somewhat confirmed. I have also heard that some of these runes may be able to be activated remotely. This has not been confirmed publicly and is entirely from a friend I trust, and that is all I can say on it. I am unclear as to whether they are elemental or effect based. They are more then likely, its just unconfirmed one way or another.

Now here is my thing, as a former soldier I know the value of anti-personal weapons (mines). My play style in these games is the noble warrior. The guy who knows and acts on what is right, but is not afraid to use every tool in his box to his advantage. To that end I tend to use guerrilla tactics in games, set them up with a little stealth, then rush in head first and destroy them while weakened and confused. I see these runes as greatly augmenting my in-game combat style.

I mean just imagine for a moment we can use them and they are remote, just for the sake of argument. You set one at a main gate of a village, say with a major fire or paralyze effect. Start in the village center (legion village of course) and begin the wrath. Guards advance and you fight off a few, but the battle is turning against you. Get your remote ready and run for the gate. Get through and hit it as the guards pass. You'll find escaping alot easier. Many combat options.

So here's the topic, if runes are what they seem to be, would they be useful for some forms of combat and stealth, and would you use them?
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:53 am

I plan to use frost runes as an archer ;)
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:38 pm

They would be great for stealth based characters if say you were to sneak upon a large group of enemies in a cave and you weren't sure if you could take them all out before they spotted you.
You could place a rune or two in front of yourself while you try to pick off as many as possible before they spot you or get close to you while hopefully a paralyse rune keeps them in place long enough for you to get to a better vantage point.
Sound pretty sweet really.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:58 am

I am very much excited about these for my stealth mage. :D
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chirsty aggas
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Post » Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:51 am

the ability to use skills dependent on your use makes me very excited to use runes for any class.
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