Now I've learned that they don't...I'm kind of concerned.
Part of the games appeal is to go anywhere you want and do what you want..this is not going to be true when areas have set high levels, it will be like in fallout where you literally cant go to certain areas until you level up enough unless you wanna get stomped by death claws. That seems very..MMOish. It a sense its not really open world then, you can go to A B and C at level 1, then at level 15 C D and F, at level 20 etc
Secondly....ironic I know after posting that first concern, is the games actual challenge, you level up by playing and doing things, but if areas don't level with you wont it be rather easy to ether accidentally or intentionally over level areas so you just crush them as opposed to beating them skillfully..again this seems MMOish.
I really liked the scaling in oblivion, like it even more in dead island, you still felt like you progressed because you obtained better weapons and more skills, but the game retained its challenge. The only complaint I had about the system in oblivion is that certain creatures wouldn't spawn until you hit a certain level, and others would disappear. Which was silly, the way it was implemented was flawed but the over all idea of the system was good.
I want to level up and get better, But I don't want whether I win or lose a fight to be based on my level.
In an mmo you can run up to an enemy of your level click auto attack walk away and get a sandwich and win, fight an enemy higher then you, and you can use all the skills and tactics in the world and you are not winning that fight.
I don't want Skyrim to be like that, I don't want to be defeating this creature because its my level, and getting murdered by this one because its a higher level, that has nothing to do with me at all, the game might as well play itself. My input is meaningless, my victory or defeat is already predetermined by what level I am and what level they are. How the fight actually happens is irrelevant.
I know a lot of people didn't like the scaling system in oblivion, I liked its purpose, that it let you go wherever you wanted and always made the monsters an appropriate challenge but I agree it was implemented poorly, I just wished that they had refined it rather then scrap it altogether.
I sincerely hope my worries are for nothing, the game looks amazing in every way other then this, I just don't want it to be like a single player MMO. Maybe I missed a piece of information somewhere..I don't know.