The second Invasion

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:44 pm

Alright, I have been trying to think of new RP ideas for a long time, and recently i came up with the idea of this: what if some extremist Deadric cult found a way around the enchantment martin put on tamreil when he ended the last invasion, and sparked another war between man and deadra. And this time, it is an all consuming war that engulfs all the land. The empire is searching desperatly for a way to stop it, but they cant find it. so, tamreil is making its last stand against this invasion, and the empire searches desperatly for a weapon strong enough to stop the deadra.

Its not very fleshed out yet, but what i am really looking for now is feedback on the idea. interested or no? anything you would like to see done with this to make it more interesting? comments?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:25 pm

Well, it all depends on which Daedric Prince will do the invading, because each of them has their own agenda and therefore a reason to invade. Maybe a good choice would be Jygallag. His agenda: bring order to Tamriel.
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:40 am

Tamriel screwed up by a daedric prince... sounds fun but again which one?
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:35 pm

what you also could try is set in an alternate universe setting where the Oblivion crisis dragged on long enough and behaved more like a real continent wide war instead of small skirmishes out og gates of which only 15% were actually near a decent target.

my advice is if you want a full scale war instead of the invasion we had in the game just try to rewrite it in your own version in your own version of tamriel, I think people won't mind an alternate version that much.
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:03 am

You know the Oblivion Crisis consumed more than Cyrodiil right? Check out the new RP Circlet Ignited. We are RPing apocalyptic vvardenfell.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:02 pm

Hey Swift :foodndrink:

Well, yeah I think pretty much everyone at these forums is sick of dealing with 1) Mehrunes Dagon and his Daedra and/or 2) in Cyrodiil. So, I think if you want to change the story to make it new and exciting to RPers, make changes to the forefront of the battles moving it to another region, and change the Daedric Prince. Molag Bal or someone would definitely be interesting, but you'd have to do some reading at UESP or IL to find out why the other Daedric prince would want to invade Tamriel.

Sounds interesting enough, if the story and stuff is expanded I might join :)
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Benito Martinez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:16 pm

Hmmmm.... I'm thinking Jygallag. Since he was a newly returned prince after taking over sheograth, he would begin his agenda of creating a new empire beyond the isles. Consisting of order. He then found the perfect target: Tamreil.

So, by thus, he found a way to dispel the encahntment, and invaded. The war has been going for many years now, an tamreil is slowly bleeding to death against Jygallag's forces. The imperial city has been lost, and many continents have already surrendered. only the Dunmer of morrowind, led by the nevarine, show any will to resist and fight back. They have become the last hope for the empure, and now the war rages on in a war torn tamriel. The main area of conflict would be morrowind, and so far the two forces are at a stalemate. The army of morrowind is accepting anyone who wants to fight, but some daring adveturers are seeking for some sort of artifact that will end this war. They seek an ancient artifact of sheograth, one that may hold the key to Jygallags defeat. the empires last hope rests in these men and womens hands, and morrowinds army must push back the deadra and reclaim tamriel.

The new order has begun. Fight back.
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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:07 am

Yea and people who are in the RP could be either adventurers, or Dunmer mercenaries/soldiers/officers/nobles etc.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:40 am

I'd kill to be a tactician watching sweat-fisted as his army collides with the daedric forces. I've wanted to be an officer who loses an entire company to the daedra and has to report to whatever higher authority that his line has crumbled. I was thinking a sort of d-day feel, where positions need to be held and flanks protected. It might attract more members if you expand it into a political/war rp. So that some of those who can't rp combat, have the choice to send troops, check supplies, and do what diplomats and nobles do--talk. Adding a politics to it also provides information to those doing the combat, as to how the protection of Tamriel is faring. But hey, it's up to you.

I'd say Molag Bal. I mean, the prince of plots-- who better to attack?
It would be destruction and disaster with a cause.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:25 am

I've already got a character ready :hehe:
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josie treuberg
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:46 pm

I'd kill to be a tactician watching sweat-fisted as his army collides with the daedric forces. I've wanted to be an officer who loses an entire company to the daedra and has to report to whatever higher authority that his line has crumbled. I was thinking a sort of d-day feel, where positions need to be held and flanks protected. It might attract more members if you expand it into a political/war rp. So that some of those who can't rp combat, have the choice to send troops, check supplies, and do what diplomats and nobles do--talk. Adding a politics to it also provides information to those doing the combat, as to how the protection of Tamriel is faring. But hey, it's up to you.

I'd say Molag Bal. I mean, the prince of plots-- who better to attack?
It would be destruction and disaster with a cause.

Good point, this could make a good intrigue rp too...
I would like to see people rp field commanders, so they can bark out orders and send messages and do the fireld commander stuff that field commaners do. It would be interesting to see.

Also, i kind of like the jtgallag idea, but if people want molag bal, we can do that also.
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:54 am

Why not have both? ;) I mean Jygallag start the invasion, but then Molag Bal could see a way to profit from it and launch his own invasion or help ol' Jiggy :P
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:02 am

Why not have both? ;) I mean Jygallag start the invasion, but then Molag Bal could see a way to profit from it and launch his own invasion or help ol' Jiggy :P

Molag Bal may even have jigg under a nice little plot of his own. He has the wonderful skill of seduction and back-stabbery.(Like that, me too.)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:26 pm

Why not have both? ;) I mean Jygallag start the invasion, but then Molag Bal could see a way to profit from it and launch his own invasion or help ol' Jiggy :P

well, as the old saying (that i didnt just make up) goes, The more Daedric princes, the better

Jygallag can start the invasion, because somehow sheograth could get into cyrodill, and since Jygallag took sheograths place, he can get into cyrodill. And Molag Bal can be the main military might behind the whole thing with his little plan of his own for Jygallag. Now its starting to sound like a nice and bloody war now!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:05 pm

well, as the old saying (that i didnt just make up) goes, The more Daedric princes, the better

...its starting to sound like a nice and bloody war now!

Hopefully not too bloody though. I'd only enjoy level-headed war and things of that nature.
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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:17 pm

Alright, almost done with the background story. I have been offline for a while, so i havent been able to post it. dont wory, im gonna still do this RP, though.
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