The settlements

Post » Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:20 am

I was thinking after seeing so many was (insert name of country) hit posts, and really kind of just shooting from the answering yes (as I really do not know heheh)
Lets say indeed they were hit for the sake of arguement... What are they doing now.. I suppose if you live there you sure would know better than me (middle of the states myself) So what do you think is happening where you live.. Say Ireland for instance is there an Irish version of the NCR trying to rebuild, did it fall back into fedualism, Is Dublin even left standing or partailly underwater just kinda thought it might be cool to get some imput about the world from the not really in america prespective so if indeed we ever get a non- states fallout game we would have some ideas or landmarks to look for heheh and to loot.

Sneers to himself as searches the ruins for the book of Kells

Thats it
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:18 pm

Youre Irish?

I really have no idea about ireland(since you mentioned) so i am going to write what i thought about. I think that Moscow which will mostly destroyed... well it will be very much like DC. But anyway i guess that an organization like Enclave took over it. Why? Because that is the most probably thing which could have happened to the Soviet Union in retro-futuristic post-apocalypse scenario. And i believe it has large metro cities.
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:54 pm

I would live in either Arroyo or Klamath, since they are only a couple hours from where I live.
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:31 am

MMm Nah I am an American heh but in my drinking days I did happen to sober up once long enough In Dublin to visit Trinity, heh and tour about Cork county doing the lost tourist kinda thing..
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Juan Cerda
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:01 am

My personal oppinion is that the remains of the UK would be faring a little better than the USA post war. (This is just my oppinion and not an invitation for reams of mindless "Naw every other counry is gone, dey got blowded up." which I have seen in other threads.)
My reason for thinking this is historical precedent. During ww2 the germans bombed many of the major population centres in the UK, intending to break the morale of the general population. Instead of this, most of the populations of the affected areas immediately banded together to help each other out, keep morale high and construct bomb shelters. Far from breaking the populace, many people who lived through this time remember it as a high point in society, a time where everyone worked together to overcome adversity.
Also because of the blitz many people were skilled in the construction of bomb shelters, several built before the war started as tension mounted between britain and germany. I know that britain was destroyed during the resource war, but that war didn't happen over night. As with ww2 there would have been a period of tension before hand and while vault-tec and the like weren't in the UK I think it's believable that advanced shelters would've been constructed to counter the possability of nuclear war. And unlike the vaults I think the UK shelters would be designed to work, not kill off the survivors in various bizzare ways.

Raiders and the like would still exist of course, but given the size of the UK, there would be a lot less of them. Also given the UK's size and the fact that the war was between The Middle East and all of Europe, I don't think the UK would have been hit by anywhere near the number of missiles the USA suffered. Sure London would be a major target, but so would Paris, Milan, Munich, Rome and many other european cities.

Also the mutated wildlife of the UK probably still wouldn't be all that wild, I don't see radsquirrels or radrabbits being too much of a threat. Radbadgers would give you a nasty bite but I think that'd be about the worse you could expect.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think that the UK could be described as doing 'well' post war. I just think they would be faring a little better than America.
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louise tagg
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:27 am

Right now, I live in Vancouver, Canada, which will be plunged underwater once the Big One in terms of earthquakes happen, the case of nuclear apocalypse we are talking a total Atlantis scenario, haha.

My speculation is that there would be places in the interior of the province that, due to being mountainous and fed by glacier lakes/streams, would probably be natural places to settle. I speculate that the Canadian scenario would be a lot of either 100% new settlements ala Megaton, or small, more rural towns and villages that exist pre-war would end up built up to be major cities, since the majority of our major cities now are quite close to the US border and would likely be directly bombed due to annexation and occupation.

Where would I live? Hard to say...probably up north in the mountains next to a lake or something, hopefully somewhere that still had some trees. I'd establish my own republic where the women rule all as a tribe, like the Republic of Dave, but better :P
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2010 12:46 am

Thanks guys,This is exactly what I was looking for.. And say perhaps before the Invasion the canadians had devolped seismic tech to stabalize areas and perhaps Vancover still has working examples of it with bits of the city just gone where the devices failed.. or the English prehaps developed along the lines of H G Wells and had gas powered tripod walkers as there heavy hitters, and Bobby-Matics (Evening Governer, carry on) still patrol london tryng to keep the peace kind of like the protectatron seris for us...
And I was thinking the big drink for the english might be some sort of once opened self heating tea (heh with all the lovly side effect of say nuka cola) but that might be an americaner sterotype... Though man I think the english version would put vault Tech to shame, if anyone would know how to dig in heheh.
Not sure really bout local wildlife being a problem for the English and I think Badgers and sheep are all that would be left in Ireland heh, but maybe its the Flora thats the problem (there was an english sc fi show I saw that had these semi- mobile plants Triffid maybe ehh been to long maybe something like that) hehe and the Irish could have Peat walkers heheh kinda like the swamp thing or man thing for comic geeks who know what i am talking bout...
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:58 pm

Well I live in Essix so so the only town near me that would get Nuked would be Colchester. Apart from that I could easily stay in my village and grow food in the garden or go to my Uncle's Tudor Manor House which would make a nice palace for a little empire.
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:42 am

I live in Nebraska ( And other than Offut, which is about 120ish miles from me, there isn't a whole lot that is really important enough to nuke. So I think my neck of the woods wouldn't be too bad, don't get me wrong it would still freaking svck.
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:34 pm

Huh Cookie just figured you liked the cornhuskers for some reason but you live there ya say... (about 30 minutes from Offutt and an hour from fort calhoons reactor kinda hoping for ghoulifaction myself hehehe but probally just end up dust sigh).

Anyway to carry on maybe the English vaults worked very well indeed (but always a but huh, has to be something nasty or it aint fallout) they all opened at the same time and the land will not support crops at all and a wave of starvation/ violence /canniblism insued, as gas shortages kept most englanders bound to the isle most the newer fision stuff was incorperated into vaults and maybe the royal navy had not yet been updated... Also maybe you have many more kinds of Lurks and squidies creeping about the coast making tradional sailing periolus at best..
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Rex Help
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:56 pm

Wildlife would be a problem in the Canadian scenario for sure, I totally forgot about it. Bears are a problem in the urban areas immediately surrounding Vancouver, I can only imagine the mountains are obviously full of them, not to mention coyotes and other predatory beasts that will probably become quite carnivorous (well, especially in the case of bears) once fresh berries and fish disappear.

The idea of a Radraccoon (Radcoon?) or Radbeaver makes me giggle, though.

...and after all that now I imagine my tribe of MILFs (ha ha ha) would wear the skins of these beasts as trophies.

It's interesting that you would bring up the seismic infrastructure...they recently discovered that most of Vancouver wouldn't survive an earthquake because the majority of (older) buildings weren't built up to code in that regard, but maybe by 2077 things are a bit different.
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Tanya Parra
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2010 12:05 am

I think tasmania would survive pretty well lots of bushland plus they have hydroelectric power and not massively populated and probably alot less after the war so a survivable area. Queensland and western australia would go enclave if there was an enclave in australia, but w.a would have a hard time surviving like northern territory lots of desert and im positive after the war alot more and also alot of mines probably targets, areas of south australia closer to the coast or victoria would be more survivable, also victoria would survive better and again coastal area in new south wales and bushland towns would be more survivable. Not a huge amount of place to build vaults, like mountain ranges in other countries and if technology and technology manufacturing is like it is now then we'd be hoping. But we have a massive supply of coal in victoria so steam power would be available. But the population would suffer greatly, lack of food, water and transportation would be insane distances are way to huge but we do have lots of horses here, and if the FEV hit australia you can forget it, any mutated critter would make survival even harder.
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:39 am

Heh I am thinking you guys down under might have your hands full with giant spiders (funnel and redback) Land sharks (it was S N L skit but you may need to be warry since you for sure got some mutated sharks) rat swarms, and what ever camels have become (as though they could get meaner) (not really sure bout the camels but I seen a documentory about how they used em for mining and let em loose and now there doing really good over there ???

And Canada well I suggest you take the animal friend perk for your girl tribe there Skirt hehe , as you are getting all that plus deathclaws, skunk apes err Yeti er wendigo heheh whatever and some crazy Moose types... Huh strange though I think we have mutated racoons here in nebraska but we just call them Opossums heheh... Ok not quite but missing some hair and the Mask and bingo pretty dang close tastes like cat I have heard huh.

What kind of Insect and reptiles do you have round your parts too as I think spiders should be getting there due at some point and maybe just some plain old snakes..
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:00 pm

Youre Irish?

I really have no idea about ireland(since you mentioned) so i am going to write what i thought about. I think that Moscow which will mostly destroyed... well it will be very much like DC. But anyway i guess that an organization like Enclave took over it. Why? Because that is the most probably thing which could have happened to the Soviet Union in retro-futuristic post-apocalypse scenario. And i believe it has large metro cities.

I'd have
A- had the hell nuked out of me :sadvaultboy:
B- be in some overpopulated overirradiated jungle :cryvaultboy:
C- be fighting chinese ghoul soldiers :flamethrower:

Alaska baby, we'd be [censored] up B)

the worst thing is we never hear what happens in the southeast I'm in the rain forest so I imagine some mass overgrowth
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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:03 am

Well we have one of the worlds biggest populations of camels, and if they survive in the desert a great form of transportation. If spiders grew bigger that wouldnt worry me id prefer to see a spider coming and shoot it than the little venomous ones we already have that hide in every little nook and cranny, same with snakes if there bigger and you can see them you can kill them easier, ive already had enough run ins with snakes in the bush. Couldnt care less if sharks got bigger and nastier i live inland, but if crocs in the north mutated well that would be alot of unhappy survivors. We have alot of springs around here so we'd at least get some sort of decent water supply if it wasnt overtused, wildlife wouldnt be to much of a problem where i am, it would mostly be the human population.
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Sara Lee
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:49 am

I'd imagine that there would be some form of community still in the state I live in; while we'd undoubtedly hit hard there would almost certainly be a surfeit of Vaults in the area, and plenty of small and relatively isolated communities. New England's pretty population-dense in some areas, but fairly thin in others, and its status as one of the most affluent areas of the nation would ensure many Vaults would be nearby.
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jessica Villacis
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:57 am

I suppose that eventually the deathclaws might migrate this far north, but we don't really have many lizards or reptiles that are indigenous to the region. Mostly, just BIG stuff, like moose, bears, I don't know what else...cougars, mountain goats?

Besides, the animals will hope they have "human friend" perk instead, because the MILF tribe are not to be messed with ;) :devil:
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:44 pm

You mean the Mutant I'd Like to F**k faction?
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Danger Mouse
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:31 pm

I live near a USAF training base, which would without a doubt be nuked. Hometown nuked, state capital nuked, and various towns in the region nuked because of the military storehouses in them. It's no wonder that Cassidy figures there'd be mile-wide radioactive twisters tearing apart the neighbourhood.
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:13 am

You mean the Mutant I'd Like to F**k faction?

I suppose that I have mutated in some way due to pregnancy, labour, and delivery...

The MILF tribe destroys its beasty enemies, it does not fornicate with them.
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:13 am

Denmark (my home nation) would be [censored]. According to historic plans found in east germany we would have recieved well over fourty (40!) nukes from the russians. Then the russians would have sent in poles and other east bloc nations to mop up any resistance , regardless of the obvious fallout, and severe radiation. Denmark isnt big. We have 5 million people and if we discount Greenland we really are tiny. Given the massive radiation and the flatness of Denmark people here (including the east bloc soldiers would become Ghoul Central (North). :D. The Nuclear assult on the US early warning base on Greenland would take 20ish nukes. Basically only a handfull Danes would survive the initial blasts and the rest of the danes would die from radiation inside days. Two places would be reasonably safe, as they a military complex bunkers built deep in limestone bedrock. Given time those two places would have housed the danish Royal family plus select members of the parliament and a few civilians. Tough cookies for the rest of the 4.999.000 of us.

The best place would prolly be to be in some of the german WW2 submarine pens in Norway or in a "vault" built into the mountains. Iceland might survive. Norway would because of its length and mountains that would keep villages reasonably sheltered from blasts and the weather would likely take care of alot of fallout. Norway would also have had a [censored]eload of cash to build "vaults" from as they are basically the Kuwait of scandinavia. Denmark has access to North sea oil aswell as does Britain. Danish reserves would barely be enough to cover our own consumption despite our fetish for green energy. Besides our local trade partners would have more or less bullied us into giving up our oil anyway. ... hehe... I should write fanfic about this :D.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:48 am

Wow the last horse finally comes in... took me about a day to realize Fattoler was making a play on words with MILF, I thought the posting had taken a sudden odd turn heh.

Great post Farbaustisonn And you should write a Fanfiction as I will read it.. (kinda wish I had the talent myself but I dont) but I am hoping maybe some ideas from here get put into story form.. and after reading yours I thought maybe some of Europe and asia could be having problems with a basically hard line dictator led ghouls from the great war Maybe they held up better than uhh our ghouls did, Give them one hell of a charismatic ghoul polititian and all the normal humans might be having a hard time of it..
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Kelly James
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:16 pm

I'd probably get hit with either the shockwave and/or the radiation from Sunnyvale, depending on the direction the wind is blowing when the bombs drops. Redwood City is about 24 km northeast of Sunnyvale.

If I'm lucky, I'd be in San Fransisco, and I'd only have to deal with the mass chaos through the streets, and the Chinese submarine crew that arrived later.

If I'm very lucky, I'd be in Vault 15 and eventually part of Shady Sands.
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Alba Casas
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:37 am

I live in Fort Collins, an hour drive north from Denver. I'm not sure what living there would be like in the Fallout Universe, and how it would have developed.
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Post » Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:49 am

My personal oppinion is that the remains of the UK would be faring a little better than the USA post war. (This is just my oppinion and not an invitation for reams of mindless "Naw every other counry is gone, dey got blowded up." which I have seen in other threads.)
My reason for thinking this is historical precedent. During ww2 the germans bombed many of the major population centres in the UK, intending to break the morale of the general population. Instead of this, most of the populations of the affected areas immediately banded together to help each other out, keep morale high and construct bomb shelters. Far from breaking the populace, many people who lived through this time remember it as a high point in society, a time where everyone worked together to overcome adversity.
Also because of the blitz many people were skilled in the construction of bomb shelters, several built before the war started as tension mounted between britain and germany. I know that britain was destroyed during the resource war, but that war didn't happen over night. As with ww2 there would have been a period of tension before hand and while vault-tec and the like weren't in the UK I think it's believable that advanced shelters would've been constructed to counter the possability of nuclear war. And unlike the vaults I think the UK shelters would be designed to work, not kill off the survivors in various bizzare ways.

Raiders and the like would still exist of course, but given the size of the UK, there would be a lot less of them. Also given the UK's size and the fact that the war was between The Middle East and all of Europe, I don't think the UK would have been hit by anywhere near the number of missiles the USA suffered. Sure London would be a major target, but so would Paris, Milan, Munich, Rome and many other european cities.

Also the mutated wildlife of the UK probably still wouldn't be all that wild, I don't see radsquirrels or radrabbits being too much of a threat. Radbadgers would give you a nasty bite but I think that'd be about the worse you could expect.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think that the UK could be described as doing 'well' post war. I just think they would be faring a little better than America.

Your rigth about Europe doing better, from what I understand it collasped during the Resource Wars of the 2050's and probably wasn't destroyed by nukes. Why would the Chinese waste nukes on a fuedal hellhole? That said the UK is probably like Freeside without electricity. I can't see them discovering fission power before their collaspe like the Americans. That said would it really even be Fallout? There wouldn't be FEV to create Super Mutants, there wouldn't be Ghouls, there wouldn't even be many laser or plasma weapons. Still if they discarded the Fallout Bible then it could be pretty cool.
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