I like my guy, even if he isn't the most realistic character. He should prove entertaining, at least

Name: Varber Geves
Race: Breton
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Sign: The Ritual
Class: Scholar
Major Skills: Mysticism, Conjuration, Unarmored, Reading, and Philosophy
Minor Skills: Politics, Judicial Law, Geography, Algebra, and Physics (He studied much in his father's library)
Physical: Rather weak and sickly, due in no small part to rarely ever exercising. However, he also rarely eats, people have to insist to him that he will someday find a reason to live, so should probably stay alive until then. He appears as though he would snap if grabbed too hard.
Hair: Long, greasy black hair
Eyes: Olive Green, with dark circles under them from lack of sleep. His eyebrows are always downturned, giving him a melancholy, pathetic appearance.
Mental: A rather depressing fellow, he is constantly trying to think up a meaning for life. So far, having found none, he resigns himself to nihilism on almost every topic from morals to religion. He will commonly express the pointlessness of life to others, and rarely takes the time to enjoy anything. His favorite phrase is "If we are to be reincarnated through the Dreamsleave regardless, why bother to do anything. Kings become flowers, wolves become beggars, and trees become deer."
Armor: None
Weapons: None
Clothing: A worn brown robe
Biography: Grew up with his scholarly father, who impressed upon him all the standards he lives by. He was rather detached from the world by the time he was old enough to venture out into it, as his father never bothered to teach him all the normal things like morals. He was far too busy moping in his room to pay attention to his son.
He took his father's death without much emotion; he had never been very attached to the man. Likewise, all the political upheaval since the Oblivion crisis has hardly seemed to matter to him, being he was in prison for most of the invasion.
After getting out of the Bruma prison for disturbing the peace (he had lay in the middle of the street and refused to move after one particularly depressing thought, he was held for four months after the captain of the guard took a disliking to him), he decided to visit this Champion of Cyrodiil he had heard so much about. He figured that such an important man must have a strong reason for living, and hoped he could share it with him.
Fears: Being correct and finding life does not have a meaning or worse, life having a meaning and it being to enjoy life.
Goals: Solve many philosophical quandaries, such as the predominant one of his entire life.
Interesting Fact: He once spent three months in a chapel undercroft, the priest having insisted that he must be touched by the Prince of Madness and chained him to the wall in attempts to heal him. He was finally released after a priestess finally told the town guard. He was later approached by several Followers of Sheogorath, and he had to turn down several offers to join them.
Thanks all, let me know if there is anything you want me to change. Common characters are the most fun to play :rock: