All in all, the Oblivion Incident left the world of Cyrodiil united. Conflicts have been forgotten in order to defeat one common enemy. However, it also left the seat for leadership open. Although that the Amulet of Kings and the Dragonfires are not part of the ritualistic position of Emporer, the country still needed a leader, as they wouldn't know how to function on their own. As much unity and security the Oblivion Incident left, it also left it's scars and deaths upon the surface. Kvatch is destroyed, and rebuilding it dosn't happen overnight. Hundreds of city guards and civilians lost thier lives in the fight against Mehrues Dagon and the Mythic Dawn.
This lead to a perfect time for somebody to attack the empire, a perfect time for somebody to rise up. A Dunmer, which had earned a name during the Defence of Cyrodiil against Mehrues Dagon. The Dunmer was not the CoC, but he was still a hero., and he gained alot of support after the CoC turned down the offer of Emporer. After Ocato turned down the job (he wasn't "worthy"), the Dunmer was selected, and he happily obliged. For a good two to three years, Cyrodiil was prosperous, and factions like the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild disbanded.
However, the Dunmer soon became corrupt with power. Enforcing more rigid and evil laws, making it near impossible for anyone to do anything against the Emporer. He disbanded the Warriors' and Mages' guild, fearing that they might try to end his rule. The Dunmer had created a new alias for himself, something that fits him perfectly: Wrath.
He brings destruction and death to those in Cyrodiil, and has turned the Imperial Legion into a hammer to smash any rebellion or mutiny in his world. He appointed 6 other Officers to rule the cities under him.
Gluttony: A lavish, fat Imperial who rules and resides in Cheydinhal. His Elite Guard consists of Battle-Worn, ex-Legionarres
Lust: A tall, rich Altmer that resides in a extravegant estate in Skingrad, where he rules. His Elite Guard consits of Altmer Spellcasters.
Sloth: A disgusting, huge Orc who resides in a filthy Castle in Anvil. His Elite Guard consists of Orcish Barbarians.
Greed: A small, quick Bosmer who steals from the citizens of Chorrol, where he rules. His Elite Guard consists of ex-Marauders and Shamans.
Envy: A Female, Power-Hungry Redguard that lives and rules and Leyawiin. Her Elite Guard consists of the nastiest and most brutal Redguard Pirates and Plunderers.
Pride: A huge, strong Argonian that has hundreds of Stuffed Trophies in his castle in Bruma. His Elite Guard consits of ruthless poachers and hunters.
Bravil is now a fortress where most of the Imperial Legion resides. It is also a mass prison and execution center, and is ruled by the General of the Legion, a Breton Battlemage, infamously called The Sheriff.
The role you play: You will group up and fight against the suppresive Empire that now rules Cyrodiil. The Champion of Cyrodiil will be leading the uprising, and is setting up a meeting a Cave called Blackfeather Cave, on the Western coast of Cyrodill. You can represent other provinces, such as Morrowind or High Rock, or you could be a civilian tired of the infamous rule. You could be an ex-Bandit looking for revenge, or, I don't know, get creative!
So join, Rebellion is waiting.
9 Yes's = Mission is a go! :thumbsup:
Major Skills (5): Non-Game or In-Game
Minor Skills (5): Yes I know this is a Morrowind approach.
Physical Description:
Mental Description:
Special Appearal: Enchanted Rings and so forth.
Short Bio:
Place of Birth:
Favorite Food: (Just for fun
