So now that th CoC is the new prince of madness, and sheogorath is now jiggalayg. Doesnt that make 17 daedric princess?
Yea. <_<
Though the ending of SI conflicts with previously established Lore and the Story of the Shivering Isles itself.
The story suggests that it is the unpredictability of the player that allowed him to defeat Jygallag, now by extension this applies to every mortal as Lorkhan envisioned Nirn as a place that would always be new. Combined with the knowledge that the Daedra were formed or changed into their current form at the creation of Mundus, it isn't much of a stretch to assume it was the unpredictability of Mundus that "cursed" Jygallag, not a group of Daedra.
What I would expect is that the Champion of the Isles, now Sheogorath will turn into Jyg at the next Grey March. Jyg being as much part of Sheogorath as everything else in the Isles.
Of course Jygs plot exposition at the end leaves no doubt that this was not on the mind of the dev involved but we can't really expect them to know these obscure parts of the lore and change them gracefully, they're!
So seriously guys! Get out here and talk! Discuss! Get a regular account if you don't want to be recognized. The only way to learn the lore is to talk about it.
The underlying assumption of my post was that Sheogorath was still the same Sheogorath and that the Champion simply became stark raving mad, to the point of believing himself a Daedra Prince.

Being stark raving mad is a prerequisite for mantling the Prince of Madness.