» Fri May 04, 2012 10:22 am
Several days earlier...
The Guild building was was a mixture of Cyrodiilic architecture influenced heavily by that of the Redguards, or was it the other way around? Columns outlined the grounds as massive colored domes soared high up above. No expense had been spared in detailing a symbol of Imperial influence in Hammerfell while also alluring the locals with their homeland's influences. The Mages Guild in Rihad had long been part of the city skyline and had compelled students of the arcane from all over Tamriel to settle. The proximity to the sea, the warm weather, the fertile grounds for exploration, the dwemer artifacts and the riches a port city brings were all present. Perhaps it did not have the centrality of the Arcane University but being outside of the Imperial City gave one freedoms only imagined in the capital. Few would like wise trade the warmth and culture for the dreg cold of Winterhold's College with all of its solitude. The inner gardens, guarded by Imperial-esque pillars and shaded by domes, acted as a forum for discussion among both faculty and students. Hundreds had gathered to discuss the state of affairs and the coming war. Most importantly on the minds of of many however, were the eastern magi of Morrowind.
Archmagister Tariq al-Za'id, a local by birth, sat in the circular space, seats the empty space on every side filled by both his peers and students. He sat quietly listening intently as he softly sipped the smoke from his pipe. A fiery Breton spoke in a voice that sounded much too strong to come from him. The strength of his voice was more representative of his abilities rather than his physical looks. The blue robes he wore spun as he turned, addressing it seemed each member of the Guild.
"When I was first approached with the idea to provide for Aryon of Telvanni, funds for research on the Dwarven ruins, I was a bit skeptical. I was proven wrong by his findings, and for this all credit is due. But we must remember that we only recently had the Archmagister in the Arcane University killed by practitioners of Necromancy!" Claude's voice raised with his last sentence familiar to those who took his classes on Conjuration. "Would we trade one external danger in the form of Sentinel's armies, for an internal danger in the form of the dark arts?! Should we make exceptions in dire times only to allow the Worm's thralls to slowly seep in under our closed doors and make nests within our chambers?! We should not, no, we cannot allow necromancy to be encouraged in any shape or form!" Looking satisfied having spoken on the matter, he walked back to his seat, his eyes searching among the others to see who would respond. Claude's eyes met with Aryon who was across the large room who was accompanied also by Serosi and Crane.
Surprisingly, none of them stood up to speak. Rather another fellow instructor from the Guild stood up. Casts-With-Tail, one of the instructors of Alteration stood up walking slowly toward the center. She wore a green robe that merged well with his green and yellow scales. She had a long neck and stood taller than most Nords. Her long robes touched the floor allowing only her tail to poke out. Indeed, her body looked so slender that it seemed as if a snake was addressing the forum.
"Although I respect Instructor Claude, as a colleague and as an expert in his own field, I must note that I disagree, not with his stance, but the manner in which he presents the issue. Our guests are members of House Telvanni, or at least affiliated with it in some manner. It is also true that they have experience with this new enemy from the west. And while I agree that those following the Worm King are our enemies, the practice of Necromancy itself doesn't lend one a member of them, anymore than Claude's use of Dremora servants renders him a follower of Mehrunes Dagon or a member of the Mythic Dawn cult. I have no interest in Necromancy myself and I must state that I do not advocate its use within the Guild, but does that mean we must apply our own rules into the lives of others? If, while in defense of this city, the fallen of the enemy can be turned against their own armies, by all means."
The Argonian spoke well and as gracefully as she moved. Before she could reach her seat, Claude, a firebrand for the issue stood lifting his hand up and pointing toward Aryon. "I can not believe my own ears at the defense of these necromancers! If the city falls we may lose a Guildhall but at the very least we won't be infiltrated! I would rather have no Guild rather than one with necromancy."
"Your words hearken back to your days as a witch hunter in the Reach rather than the realities today. And neither one deserves to be considered just a necromancer when their capabilities reach further beyond. A demonstration may be due in order." Casts-With-Tail rested in her seat awaiting Claude's response. He had been directly challenged and it would be in his advantage to win the argument by force rather than by words at this point. The fear of the possibility of Rihad being sacked so recently after the Oblivion crisis seemed like a more present danger than necromancy to many.
"I will demonstrate to this assembly that the defense of the city can be attained through other means." He eyed Aryon intently. To his surprise rather than him standing up, it was the Dunmer to his right. "What is this?"
"I've been Aryon's student for much of my life. I will be presenting for you today." Serosi did not look scary in the sense of an Orc or a Naga, but behind his youthful and groomed appearance, one could sense a sort of hidden strength. Although having been present for the past few weeks at the Guild, few had seen him and most of those who had simply assumed him to be Aryon's apprentice of sorts.
"Is this meant to be some sort of insult?" He looked up at those assembled as they watched with curiosity.
Silence was the only thing to be heard until Aryon replied. "Not at all, rather, you have been complimented."
Murmurs broke out as Serosi now seemed to have eyes locked onto Claude. Archmagister Tariq stroked his grey beard with curiosity, his whitening eyes more keen on what was happening than the others.
"Very well, I will humiliate you through your prodigy." Claude hissed gripping his staff. He was not used to being spoken back to. Being one of the more established and fiery members of the faculty, few really challenged his position.
Although this sort of display would to a certain extent horrify those at the University, magic in Hammerfell took on a more martial character familiar to the locals. Magic was taught to be used more directly and focused on more practical matters. It was very structured and direct resembling the Redguard's military culture.
Without missing a moment, Claude's hands raised up and from Oblivion's jaws emerged two Dremora Knights ready to do their master's bidding. Lightning and fire formed in Serosi's grasps that was replied to by Claude's smirk. As a Conjurer, he was quite confident and not without reason. Serosi's left hand called forth fire as the Dremora began to near. He launched the spell weakly toward Claude who Warded it away following another spell to shield himself from fire.
"I expected at the very least something more threatening than that!"
Serosi's method was first to find the weakness and then strike often using the enemy's own strength's against him. By first casting the weaker spell of fire, he made Claude use defensive spells that her perhaps didn't have the best grasp of. Serosi's efficiency with destruction calculated in the exchange. The fire shield spell cast afterward was another cost on Claude's part while Serosi could quickly regenerate the little bit he had used. "That wasn't meant to hurt." With his right hand Serosi cast the lightning spell at the Dremora to Claude's left. However the target that was intended to be hit was actually Claude. Seeing that he had a quick reaction time for frontal attacks, Serosi had decided to bounce the lightning spell channeling it through the Dremora and striking Claude from the left and staggering him. The hits you don't see strike hardest. In the same moment with his free hand Serosi cast another lightening spell, this time to strike directly at Claude.
The attempted wardspell did not have enough time to be properly in place and instead shattered through striking Claude yet again. Lightning spells by their very nature affected a caster's magicka. Serosi's spells generally had a touch of Mysticism in them making the spell absorb magic back to its caster. In effect, the Dunmer not only used his own pool of magicka, but that of his opponent any time a successful spell struck.
Claude caught his footing in time to see the two Dremora bring their blades to bare against his opponent. One cut low threatening to remove Serosi's ability to walk all together while the other cut across high for the neck. The agile footed Nightblade leapt between the blades into a roll and closed the distance even more with Claude. He was now in a full sprint toward the Breton who could not do much but repel the barrage of incoming spells from Serosi. If he let up on the destruction spells, Claude would only summon his servants to his side in a moment. In this manner Serosi easily out ran the heavily armored Dremora Knights.
In an attempt to slow down Serosi, Claude let down his arcane guard, long enough to use his staff to cast shards of ice toward the charging Serosi. The lightning spell barrage being quicker, struck the now only half guarded Claude sapping into the last bits of arcane reserves he had. The ice spell he had cast from his staff was redirected by the use of Mysticism to lengthening the Dunmer's curved dagger turned sword who's tip now pressed gently against the Breton's chest.
Everything had transpired so quickly that Claude simply had no reply. This summoned servants vanished as they ran to protect their master having failed in their task. Claude's own failure could hardly be blamed on him. Serosi, even though half his age, had year of experience dealing with Arcane targets. Claude had experience scaring rabble bandits and trading arcane spells from other fellow mages. Practices without application rendered the over confident useless.
"Enough!" Tariq stood up from his seat and smiled kindly at Serosi. "Serjo, you may take your seat. Claude please return to yours."
Tariq was advanced in age, a capable wizard and importantly, respected by most in the Guild and the city. "The images of seeing loved ones be raised after their death to be someone else's slave is indeed something evil, without question. But if we while defending our home, kill one attacker, would we not want to turn that fallen enemy into a raised ally? Those at the University can give all the lip service they want, but they aren't here to protect the city. We will use whatever means necessary to ensure the Rihad and Mages Guild has a future here."