Gang violence was never major in Boston, because the brutality of the police crushes the gangs immediately. Rebellions never last long either, because in Boston, if you don't follow the government, it's a shoot-on-sight policy, period. In the depths of the ghetto of the city lies an enormous abandoned chapel, or at least it's led to believe it's abandoned. The governer of Boston refuses to acknowledge its presence in the city, and the reason is clear. The inhabitants of the old church are the only gang that the police has been unsuccessful to take down: The Silhouette Assassins.
The gang is an alliance of former lower class citizens and rejects. They are all invited into the gang the same way: They're all murderers. When you murder several people at a time and get away with it, the next time you sleep, the leader of the gang, Luke Lichense, comes to you. He wakes you from your sleep and makes a proposition: Join the gang. The person can accept or refuse, but if they accept, they are put through initiation. What's the initiation? Well, you guessed it. Murder.
The leader tells you to find and kill a member of the local police department, but in secrecy. If it is not in secrecy, then you are deemed unworthy and your connection is lost forever. However, if you do complete the task stealthily, you are officially a member of a gang- and given a key to the front door of the chapel. You are given the uniform, consisting of a black hooded coat, black pants and shoes, and black gloves. You are given a sword, the signature sword of the gang. You are only to kill with the sword or a knife, guns are not allowed. Assasination is about stealth, not guns-blazing.
The government has recently been coming down with an iron fist on members of the gang, and Luke Lichense is growing tired of it. He is hiring several of professional members-and new ones- to pull off the greatest contract of all. The contract is to infiltrate the government building, and kill everyone inside. Except for the governer, of course. The governer is to be knocked unconsious, but not killed, and be brought back to the chapel. There he will be tortured until killed, but completing the conract will be extremely difficult and dangerous. To add on more pressure, before getting to the government building, every police officer is to be executed. Both contracts may take weeks to complete, but it will be worth it. Are you worthy of the task?
Gang Nickname:(Only if you are a member of the Silhouette Assasins)
Race:(Human, Ghoul)
Faction:(Government/Police, Silhouette Assasins)
Skills:(Medicine, Scout, Bladesman, Gunman{not allowed for SA}, etc.)
Armor/Clothing:(For SA, you don't only have to have a hood, you can have a facemask or anything to cover your face)
Weapons:(SA members must have the SA signature sword, but may also have etc. weapons like throwing knives)
Rank:(Gang or Police rank. SA ranks are: Recruit, Blade, Shadow, Assasin, Silhouette, Nightblade, and Crimson Bladesman. Any rank past Shadow must be confirmed by me. Police ranks are: Rookie, Policeman, Officer, Deputy, Sheriff, Lieutenant, and Chief. Any rank past Officer must be confirmed by me.)
Keep language at a low.
No godmodding
MUST use proper grammar and spelling. If you do not, you will be kicked until you learn proper English.
Don't have TOO intense gore
Romance? Sure, but let's not get graphic.
Post away.