Has there been any discussion from users/ect about taking part in this contest? I read about the contest when it was announced, and laughed at it. Very inventive by Bethesda to have such a contest. I told my wife, and we joked around about it, how funny such a contest was.
Then, by (and I mean this) miraculous circumstances, we found out my wife is pregnant 3 days ago. This a (I assume) PG forum, so I will just say that we were actively trying not to have children, so the circumstance is.......Very strange.
And the craziest part? Her due date is indeed 11/11/11.
We've talked about doing the contest, and she is actually open to the idea. Given that the time for conception of the dragon born is past, I would assume that others may have come forth inquiring about Dovahkiin. So....Any other challengers?