The Skyrim Effect

Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:29 am

Ever since Skyrim came out on 11/11/11 it gave us limitless potential but now as the next generation consoles and it's games are on the horizon gamers who played this massive open world game must now look towards a different shore but that doesn't mean this game left it's mark on the gaming community from parody videos on Youtube, a very large community of modders, to music and art, and lastly cosplay.

What is the Skyrim Effect? it's any type of game that involves the player having that game be part of their everyday life

So I want to know your thoughts on the Skyrim effect and vote in the poll

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keri seymour
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:56 pm

I have over 5,000 hours and I still play minimum of 12 hours a day.

I only play Skyrim.
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:11 am

I've pretty much stopped playing Skyrim for now. I've got almost all the achivements, I don't feel like getting the few ones left.

Currently, I'm mostly playing New Vegas (never stopped!), the new games I got during the Steam sale. I'm also playing GTA IV one last time before GTA V comes out.

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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:06 pm

well i don't not anymore I'm going back to my Ps2 ways and play mostly Koei based games lol or any other game to keep my mind moving like just two days ago i beaten Metal Gear Solid 1

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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:02 pm

lol that's how i feel I'm either playing other Bethesda games or playing Koei games like the Dynasty Warrior series or any other game that makes my mind move

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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:13 am

I have other games that I go to if Skyrim starts getting boring on me. Eventually though, I always return to Skyrim.
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:10 pm

I treat Skyrim like any other game I play. Play it, get bored of it, play something else, come back to play when I feel like it, repeat. I don't know how anyone could play only this game. As of right now I am trying to get a lot of incomplete DLC for Borderlands 2 and the recent Bioshock Infinite DLC out of the way before GTA V releases.

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Danny Warner
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:01 am

I will occasionally play a Game I purchased last year when Steam offered the "QuakeCon" package, but I always return to Skyrim.

Most of My breaks are spent playing Courier in the Mojave :fallout: is a far second to :tes: I only have 950 Hours in New Vegas.

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Adam Porter
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:16 pm

I stopped playing the game completely about a month ago and my interest in this game started waning long before that.

I'll defo come back to it in the future, but for now it's all about the Thief series, New Vegas and other new games I haven't played yet. I'll play through Morrowind and Oblivion again before I go back to Skyrim, though. I have been scribbling a lot of Elder Scrolls-related drawings lately, if that counts.

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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:09 pm

I'm burned out and not playing Skyrim anymore, but couldn't answer the poll as that's not saying the other games I'm playing are better.

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Marion Geneste
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:17 pm

I've been playing a mix of games the last few months and just picked up FONV Ultimate edition. However I have been on a game free break since getting home and am just doing some writing. FONV on console will be my focus when I start playing again and Skyrim on PC while away from home. So yes I am playing other games but I haven't left Skyrim by a long shot. I'm kind of burned out though and on PC I've just been playing for an hour or two here and there.

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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:22 pm

Yeah i didnt vote cause of that.

Ill take breaks from Slyrim but ill always come back. Got plenty more to do. I still have a lot more games that i want to replay though.
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:43 am

It's the only game I am playing right now. Once I finish with my current character, I may try the Witcher 2 or go back and play Fallout 3 again.
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:47 am

I think there is time for every game, and if one will change the game they play it will not mean that next game will be better, it is a simple desire to try something new.

I played Skyrim from it's release date, then made a break between every DLC, now when I finished Dragonborn, I just return to Skyrim sometimes to have some fun, but I can't say I spend as much time for the game as it was during the first month of release.

I enjoyed all TES games, and every time when the new title appeared was a more exciting event! But I don't feel sad that I don't play Daggerfall now, or Morrowind, or Skyrim, if I want I can always re-download and install the game, but it will never be the same as the first walkthrough! ;) Life is short, why play one game when you can have a more rich gaming experience by trying different things, that is my opinion... ^_^

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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:36 am

I can't vote in your "poll" because this question: "Have You Stop Playing Skyrim for better games?" is leading. The presumption behind the question is that anyone who stops playing Skyrim has stopped to play a "better" game. It does not take into account that we might be playing a "worse" game.

And what is a "better" game, anyway. What does "better" mean in this context? Do you mean a game that I like better? If so, then, like I say, I still might be playing a game I don't like as much as Skyrim, just to take a break for awhile.

I'm doing this right now. I'm playing the online game Neverwinter for a few weeks as a break from Skyrim. I don't like it half as much as Skyrim. I think Skyrim is a "better" game in every way. But it is a nice diversion for a few weeks. A few weeks from now I will return to Skyrim refreshed, ready to play again.

I will continue to play Skyrim for years to come, just as I continue to play Morrowind and Oblivion now. If a game was good yesterday it will still be good tomorrow.

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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:19 am

Yes I have the Skyrim effect. Though I've taken a little break because of some Oblivion nostalgia I've been having.

Aside from a select few other games(Mass Effect) I pretty much have zero interest outside TES and Fallout. And I'm ok with that. :cool:

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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:43 am

To break down this article:

1. the "Have You Stop Playing Skyrim for better games?" is based on the introduction towards this thread as I've stated before here: "it gave us limitless potential but now as the next generation consoles and it's games are on the horizon gamers who played this massive open world game must now look towards a different shore but that doesn't mean this game left it's mark on the gaming community from parody videos on Youtube, a very large community of modders, to music and art, and lastly cosplay."

here in number 1 I'm stating have you stopped playing Skyrim for better games like Path of Exile or Borderlands 2 any other game besides Skyrim

2. the whole "worst" and "better" part here I'm stating: other games in your library...."have you abandoned the harsh winters of Skyrim for something more fun?" that's the more elaborated question i decided to use the whole "Have You Stop Playing Skyrim for better games" because i thought people will understand the question and for example (just in case) games like Grand Theft Auto or The Walking Dead by Telltale games any other game BESIDES Skyrim

This thread is to have Skyrim gamers talk about not only the addiction that Skyrim has to you as the gamer but also did Skyrim made you the gamer "forced" you to play other games in your Game Library because of how the quests and the stuff in Skyrim are repetitive to you at this point

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