Here are some things that I kind of wished for before the first screenshot.
- - Godrays
- - Ssao (Screen space ambient occlusion, a technique that shadows the screen realistically)
- - Full, dynamic shadows system, with a shadow lod, allowing for distant objects, or mid range objects, to also cast shadows.
- - Tessellation, and steep parallax on the environment.
- - A high texture resolution
- - A more comprehensive culling system, enabling more distant buildings and objects to be viewable at a long range.
- - A fully reflective, high definition water system, involving tessellation for waves.
- - A reflective surface system for rain and snow.
- - A more comprehensive world lighting system. Making everything look less plain.
- - Cloud Shadows.
- - Grass that moves as you walk through it.
- - Soft Particles.
Just to name a few things that come to mind.
As far as I can tell, most of these features won't be included. The shadowing system is 10 feet range only (arcania, two worlds II, and witcher 2, had distant shadows in an open world), there is no ssao (featured in most p3/360 games these days). There are no godrays. (featured in the console versions of red dead, and many other console games)
Some features, such as tessellation and steep parallax are likely more possible on pc hardware, however it seems that most graphical features that are persistent in 2010-2011 console games that also feature open worlds, are not currently evident, or present, in skyrim. In fact, with the exception of close range shadows, it seems "no" features are present, what so ever. Even the lighting system seems to barely exist, less so than the aging oblivion.
While this kind of makes me glad, because it hints at my pc being able to run the game at 60fps, I feel the game might be a little skimpy (or skyrimpy, oh, yeah, bad joke) on features. Sure, elder scrolls games always require more beef. Due to more complex systems in place, but in red dead, you had a hugely taxing animation system that skyrim does not have to deal with, so that goes part of the way to making the two on a more even playing field. And red dead, is not a brand new game.