To those who love to drop the line (in a sophisticated English snobby tone) 'Well sir, maybe you should read up on the documentation etc first so you can achieve our nirvana state of modding blah blah blah'
SAY WHAT? Not everyone wants to spend a MONTH learning all this crap just to install some mods for crying out loud! You guys (and girls) who created so much have my UTMOST respect but to expect others to reach your level of understanding is unrealistic!
I prefer to say it with a heavy New England lockjaw. Myes.
Still trying to get FCOM to work? I might know a few articles--yes, there's a little reading--that can help clarify how to get it started.
Everybody else be fair, installing FCOM is a nightmare for some of us, especially when you're new to modding in general and don't know what "bashed patch" means or "lock times" or "merge in wrye bash and then run boss and then launch obmm." I had a similar experience when I was learning how to use Blender to alter armor and clothing meshes to fit the body replacers I have installed. I was directed to several guides and walkthroughs and most of them assumed that I was familiar with the tools Blender provided, at least to the extent that it didn't bother explaining HOW to highlight multiple vertices, HOW to actually make a lattice (that was an entirely different walkthrough altogether), let alone how to make that lattice even work AND save its changes. When you're totally new to terms like "construction set" and don't yet understand just what .bsa, .esm, or .esp mean, or what nifs are, or how to even look at a dds texture, modding can be overwhelming.
Anyway, a little more on topic:
If you're still having trouble installing your addons refer to my first answer to your first question.
You should also refer to the FCOM website for FCOM-specific installation instructions.
Basically what FCOM is is a compatibility patch for several large overhaul mods that make several changes to your Oblivion gaming experience but also conflict very heavily with one-another. To successfully install it you may want to start with a completely unmodded copy of Oblivion. This may mean a complete uninstall, deleting of your Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder, and then a complete, fresh reinstall of Oblivion, Wrye Bash, Oblivion Mod Manager, and OBSE, as well as the latest Oblivion patch. It isn't necessary, but at least with a clean install you'll know for certain that you won't have any leftover mod remnants interfering with your FCOM experience.
For clarification on the install instructions at the FCOM website:
When the site instructs you to install an addon follow that addons' individual installation instructions very well. If you have any questions, ask here for further help or clarification before proceeding any further. It may take longer to get it installed but it will save you a huge headache if you made a mistake and caught it early on rather than having to start AGAIN with a fresh install and start the process over.
FCOM and its dependancies don't come all neatly bundled together for our convenience for many reasons. There are so many customization options available that it wouldn't be able to fully please everyone. The file size would be enormous and therefore more unavailable for those who have bandwidth restrictions or slow internet connections. The individual dependancies and FCOM itself are updated regularly with patches, fixes, and new content, and while one could combine all these patches and fixes and additions into one neat update package you would have to have SEVERAL packages to accomodate those who play with WarCry, those who don't, those who play with specific aspects of Frans that others may not, etc. Therefore it puts a large chunk of install responsibility on the person trying to play it.
Your best bet is to familiarize yourself with terminology and phrases associated with modding so that general advice sounds a little less cryptic and foreign to you. If you don't know what somebody means, ask for clarification. Even when you ask for a step by step, laymans terms guide to install even ONE mod you'll likely get a quick "install it through obmm then run wrye bash to merge" answer instead of something more in-depth that doesn't sound ludicrously absurd and unknown to you. You'll probably be asking a lot of "...and what exactly does that mean?" or "can you please clarify that, like, a lot more?"
The reason it's so much more difficult than it has to be is that you're new to Oblivion modding and are trying to install one of the most difficult-to-install overhauls out there. Even an in-depth, layman's terms explanation might still be horribly and utterly confusing.