That said... let me lay the Smack Down...
The average SHMOE like myself who is new to the game and wants to add mods to the game is NOT going to understand your guys terms, how utilities work, all the little tidbits of information that is so critical and if overlooked can render the game useless!
To those who love to drop the line (in a sophisticated English snobby tone) 'Well sir, maybe you should read up on the documentation etc first so you can achieve our nirvana state of modding blah blah blah'
SAY WHAT? Not everyone wants to spend a MONTH learning all this crap just to install some mods for crying out loud! You guys (and girls) who created so much have my UTMOST respect but to expect others to reach your level of understanding is unrealistic!
When I walk into McDonalds and ask for burger, I don't want to be thrown in the kitchen with a BEEP here and BEEP there - noise everywhere! Hell, its stressful just watching those people while in line let alone being stuck back there but THATS kind of what some of you modders are asking us newbies!
Don't get me wrong, I TOTALLY appreciate the advice but DUMPING an EASY 100 pages of reading material related to mods, utilities, install instructions etc etc on someone and expecting them to learn it - You GOT to be Kidding Right??... (I can already see some smart shmucks replying 'oh, but I did it, no problem') - well KUDOS to you buddy, but for most normal people the wall of learning is simply OVERWHELMING!
AND I know I am not alone in this regard... I have read countless posts by others who are TOTALLY turned off by the sheer complexity of adding these mods. What a waste if so much man hours are put into these things and yet many people do not get to enjoy them...
That is the ENTIRE reason why I started a thread to slowly step by step add mods to my game and ALREADY I am running into problems. This mod has been updated, new patch here that conflicts with that patch there, if you install this then you can't do that, but wait one guys says yes you can, aaaAHHH HELL WITH IT is what I say!
I am a *UNT HAIR away from taking this game and throwing it in the trash then taking some of you mod makers and squishing your heads (thinking the scene in Casino) until one of your eyes pop out!
Okay, so thats a bit extreme but at least you get a sense of the level of frustration the current process causes...
SO - IF anyone finds ANYTHING agreeable with this 'charged' post, and IF You have the ability to simplify the current process - DO IT.
This game does NOT need more mods, more this or more that but what it DOES NEED is a process which is simple enough for most people follow....
(NOTE - incase you did not catch on, a lot of what I put in here is my attempt at DRY SARCASTIC HUMOR - please do not be offended)