The story of the storied, lordly, leaper keeper, (spotted?) leper, hider, bider, saver savior, rauaging later. To leap he keeps himself a lie to buy himself, what else? To die? "Never", he says "My friend is the clever, he pulls the levers, of time of rhyme of rime, its fine he says but I was dead and did not live til he was cleaved." But I digress to speak of egress that didn't happen to happen to tear the torn veil he didn't sail he wasn't himself hiself was another. His brother? Of course not absurd, he already left before the theft occured. Back to the lack of his (the other's) love he lost, the lack? The snack. He ate? Not him the other, HE bothered the flow of the beat. He bothered? He helped. The helper? The leaper? The doom, the end who tricked the end, who wasn't his friend. His friend he fights. But he's dead. Not him, wait him the friend? Yes he's dead (except in the north he treads where he is of not in yet out he shouts you pout). But as I said, the king is dead. For real? In feel. He fought the the thought of the curser who saved. Himself? The all but he was excluded. He rolled and boiled then toiled anew. He wanted revenge so he fought his friend. His friend who joined the end to make the pale tower a power. He raged in rage not duty. The duty he did for what he hid. In penance for good (to some) he stood against the other. The brother? The father, of his pain his shame of lame-ness. The elf is wrong about the self of his liege. His self still exists somewhere some kind. Why else would he fight the laughing time? Ho ha Ho was said by the now dead whose rebirth he caused by obeying the word of his destructor instructor his fri/end. He weakened in rage and unleashed from the cage the son and the one that he hates. And that's how the son made himself.