Edit: Added the poll question for fun...and to attract more people :wink_smile:
I was with you until you said this " And will Oblivion fans be as mature". I'm a fan of all the TES games and Oblivion is my second favorite game next to Daggerfall. You can't just slap a vast amount of TES fans across the face just because they play Oblivion, which I personally like the overall game better than Morrowind's, just because they allowed themselves to be immersed in the game instead of trying to compare Morrowind and Oblivion the whole time they played it. But yes, every game is a step forward and if it uses has the soul of Morrowind (the main story line) and the Heart of Oblivion (the immersive world with sidequests with depth) combined with the body of Skyrim (improved combat and other new systems) I truly believe it will be just as good as the best TES and only time will tell if it can surpass them. As for the main music theme, that is the main music theme for the TES series as was said in the Sound of Skyrim videos. Morrowind had the same element in it that Oblivions did and now Skyrim had, if you listen to the three of them you will notice it. The sphere centurion first made it's appearance in the game Redguard also btw.