:flamethrower: PEOPLE, PEOPLE, PEOPLE!! Don't change this into a Morrowind vs. Oblivion thread! This is suppose to be a thread about how the TES games get ALONG and if they can be mixed!!
Although this discussion seems to indicate that no matter if the games get along, their fans seem to be incapable of that feat

The problem is, I have no clue what you're talking about with this "soul" of Morrowind and this "heart" of Oblivion. Games don't have souls or hearts.

I don't want them to be merged. I want TES V, not TES III + TES IV.
Sure is the nostalgia talking with the fact that I'M PLAYING IT RIGHT NOW. And I can tell you for a fact that the dialogue is much more varied than Oblivion's. And I'm sure lines concerning "mudcrabs" and "the dark brotherhood" (which are spoken by EVERYONE) are way more unique than say, and archer describing his trade, or even giving you little hints, etc.
As for schedules, again that's a limitation of the times.
And tell me, what does stripped down AI have to do with a game being more complete? Your excuse of Oblivion being more complete is just about as strong as mine.
For every unique line, as in unique to the person saying it, that you can give me from a random NPC in Morrowind with no connections to quests, I can give you five from Oblivion's NPCs. That's what I mean. The NPCs walking around Morrowind are filler with little of interest to say after you've met any other person of the same trade.
Again, even Daggerfall's were able to walk around and lock their doors at night.
I'm not the one who brought up Oblivion's AI as being a reason as to why it's less complete. Don't ask me what AI has to do with it. I don't know. :shrug: I never said Oblivion was more complete, though. I just don't think it's any less complete. Morrowind's got its own advantages, but so does Oblivion, in my opinion. :shrug: