has anyone ever tried a Build based on the Spider Scrolls from Dragonborn?
if so, how did it turn out?
has anyone ever tried a Build based on the Spider Scrolls from Dragonborn?
if so, how did it turn out?
Hmmm... That sounds HARD. Maybe some kind of alchemist/ enchanter conjurer, also using the atronach forge maybe. Could be interesting, but very resource intensive.
yeah... I have a thing for "peculiar builds"... after my latest build (which was a revised version of my "throw stuff at enemies with Telekinesis" build), I was considering this "Spider King" build... but was wondering if anyone else has tried it and if so how did it turn out..
Yes indeed I have. Take a look at this build I made.
I never got around to it though. Please feel free to try it out, and let me know how it goes.
Interesting... how did you find that build worked out?
EDIT: oh.. well I may give it a try..
I put the spiders inside a temple, that's where I would put the spiders! Of course you could take them over to Dark Brotherhood, Liz would probably be pretty happy with some other spidies with her, so she's not alone
What? I guess I am confused about the what you said, you are familar with the brotherhood right?