does anyone else frequently use the Spider Scrolls?
I usually use them quite often, but never hear people on here mention them..
does anyone else frequently use the Spider Scrolls?
I usually use them quite often, but never hear people on here mention them..
you know my dunmer E'lara is probably carrying around like 30 of these spider scrolls. Hasn't used a single one of them yet. But she might... just like those 150 riekling spears she carries.
After 5500+ hrs since the release day... I have yet to use any kind of scroll.
.. couldn't tell you how to use one, actually.
if you use them properly, they can be one of the most versatile weapons in the game
Poor Dragons never realise what landing in the middle of a Cloaked Spider Army does...
EDIT I use the Cloaked Spiders quite often, but the other varieties I just forget about, or do not make more of.
the spider scrolls are really only scrolls in name.. as their effects can not be done with any Magic and you don't cast them, you just throw them on the ground
in reality, they are Followers you can carry around in your inventory
I've used them quite a lot on my Telvani mage character. pretty neat. especially the oil spider.
Thats funny because this evening ive made it into Solstheim after finishing the main quest first , i didnt want miraak too think my character doesnt have anything up her sleeve at the first meeting .
i use scrolls barely this play but ive gather them in decent amounts and they helped out of a tight spot a few times , i think the problem with scrolls is if i dont have stacks of the same scroll i dont bother too hotkey them also i like too keep my battle menu small too prevent browsing confusion.
yes it was the spiderscroll were talking about ... im looking forward too get my hands on them and toy with it
They've been very useful on my Legendary Dead is Dead character.
6 Mini followers are very helpful when you don't want to be touched by anything, I do feel the Spiders are very underrated in this community, unless of course its simply due to arachnophobia, then you have your reasons.
yeah they are extremely useful and versatile, but I never hear anyone on here mention them