I have.
A synopsis doesnt ruin plot points... Being told I was the dragonborn and that I can consume the souls of dragons and speak the language doesnt ruin the journey. It just gives a general idea of what direction the story will go, the theme of it if you will.
It's good. I hate it when they tell us too much of the story. And by "they" I mean the gaming industry in general. I want to find out myself and I avoid anything F4 related that might ruin this.
Also it's good if you think of some fans who love to pick everything apart. "You see that tin can in the background?!?! IT'S A BIT BLUE! YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!!1" no and no one cares, stop over-anolyze every damn thing.
In a lot of the post-Skyrim interviews, Todd Howard and Bethesda implied that they're pretty confident in the way their worlds are constructed at this point, and for the future they want to improve on their writing (and, in particular, characters). So if Bethesda wants to improve the storyline, and thinks it's good enough to keep under wraps for the marketing campaign (which is already a really quiet campaign, something that I really appreciate), I'll give them that chance. I can't say that it will be great, but I do think Bethesda will make good on their claims.
VA recorded over 13,000 lines! I'm sure we'll have a real narrative...even a decent one.
A proper Fallout game has a proper story. Fallout 3 had abysmal story and thus doesn't deserve it's name. Knowing Beth's reputations I'm seriously concerned.
Eh, it was https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJLzAzjxc8A.
i call it clever and and evil marketing
show oonly a little bit and let others completely overhype your game with wild speculation and rumours
doesn t matter if your game doesn t meet the expectations wiped up by all the hype and speculation you can always blame them
are we sure EA and bethezsda are not the same company
Actually my impression is that their PR, including Toddler, is avoiding talking about story like plague. World to explore, endless supply of side-activities, cinematic dialogues with a dull voiced protagonist, and countless scenes that are supposed to make you say "oh wow".
Maybe they don't talk about story because they don't want to spoil anything and I'd be extremely grateful for that if I was excited for it. Maybe their marketing just reflects the priorities they developed the game with. Maybe both!