In every bethesda game to date before release we've had some sort of synopsis of what to expect when it comes to story.
Morrowind: We are the "The Nerevarine" chosen to defeat Dagoth Ur as foretold by the prophecys.
Oblivion: You are "The Champion of Cyrodiil" chosen to defeat the villain Mankar Cameron all while closing Oblivion Gates...
Fallout 3: You are the "Lone Wanderer" in search of your dad who left the vault, unraveling the mysteries of the wasteland.
Skyrim: You are the "Dragonborn", a being that can speak the dragon tongue and consume the souls of Dragons. You are tasked to Defeat the "WorldEater" Alduin and save the lands of Skyrim.
Fallout 4: You are the "Sole Survivor". A person who survived the nuclear war...
I've been around for all of these Bethesda Announcements/releases and ALL except Fallout 4 gave you an idea of what to expect from your journey...
Why is this? The only thing that E3 confirmed was the new features being added to the series. A brief showing of us before the bombs dropped.
But the small bit of story we got about the Pre War is just the past and gives us no indication on what to expect while playing...
Is Bethesda showing little on story a result of overconfidence in the marketing department? Is it the "We know it will sale so no need to show much" Star Wars esque ideology?
I might one of the only few that fear for the story content in this game...