From every interview I've read and watched, the guys at SD have made a point the both sides have "a good reason to fight," so it could basically be summarized as "hero cops vs. hero freedom fighters."

Yes, the Resistance is fighting for survival, but the Security folks are trying to keep some kind of law and order around the place, to prevent the Ark from dissolving into anarchy (which wouldn't be good for
anyone, Guest or Founder.)
Avatar this isn't.
I'm personally going to play the Security force first so I won't be "tainted" by the Resistance campaign into thinking "Oh great, I'm fighting as the oppressors now" when going to the Security campaign. (Hey, when there's only 8-10 maps...) Since the Resistance comprise "the least of these," I don't think I'll have the same problem when playing them after completing the Security campaign. (Did that make sense?)
One thing I have wondered about is the "general" backstory, which seems to involve a massive flooding of the world (apparently by melting big iceburgs). I'm generally skeptical of the whole
global warming climate change global climate disruption stuff (and it's subsequent "we must use economically unviable sources of energy & have less children!" rhetoric.) So I have angsted over whether or not I should spend money on a game whose storyline involves a scientific hypothesis I believe to be erroraneous. My dad says I was obsessing to much, and since I've pre-ordered on Steam, well...
That said, I don't think Splash Damage is trying to promote one economic or scientific theory/ideology over another - they're just trying to create a scenario to tell a certain story, for the enjoyment of the gamer. Nothing more "ulterior" than that.