Even in game when you run into an Orc, you're prepared to have a real fight.
Really? They're no more dangerous than any other bandit character.
What you can't see in this screen is that the guy on the ground is an Orc chieftain.
Game bugged out and the duel ended and became an actual fight.
Berserker Rage is a pretty op ability, though.
Seriously if we are include subspecies then the Khajiit would take it. The Cathay-Raht are suppose to make werewolves look like pansies.
They also stand as tall as a Xivilai. Perhaps a few feet shorter than a Giant or Lurker. And weigh about a ton.
This is sad Wimps are beating the Dunmer.
Wimperial, master race.
They can talk you into submission, and even have a refined conversation with a pissed off Dremora about politics and education reforms.
As much as I like the Nords, if someone told me they are scary I would burst out laughing.
You made the claim so the burden of proof is on you. But, I'll go ahead anyway. Look on UESP. Orc bandits whether they are chiefs or not aren't much different from nord ones. Bandit chieftains all are tough at a certain level.
Well according to MK it helps that the Nords had huge Reptile creatures behind them....
Don't get me started please. My mind has been free of that subject for 2 weeks now(new record!) and I want to keep it going.
I don't control what gets you started. Self control, man.
The Snow Elves still pale compared with the Left-handed Elves though if we are talking about Mer killing.