The Septim empire
The Septim empire
Welll I guess the Dunmer are the strongest race then as they defeated armies led by the most powerful mortal tongue and one of the most powerful Dragonborn.
I guess the Bretons could also be the best race cause Daggerfell alone held out against the Akaviri while the Akaviri roflstomped all of Skyrim without even trying.
Also the War of Bendr'Mak was between the weaker of the two Redguard factions and a couple backwater cities. Had the Nords try to take Sentinel or Daggerfall, that might be problematic...
See why using military accomplishments is ridiculous.
That isn't what she's trying to say though.
Maybe on Rule 34, and even then its pushing it, lol. The only thing green and sixy is Benjamin Franklin. And not the founding father.
It's simply what decides, for me, between the two top contenders who are otherwise roughly equal.
The orcs don't even come into play because they just keep getting stomped. You have to have something to show for your badassery besides being lackeys and doormats for everyone else.
Doesn't sound like it when you bring up the War of Bendr'Mak especially considering how handicapped the Crowns were in the fight. As well as the whole Sword-Singers vs Tongue things and their accomplishments
Yea about that,they didn't really subjugate them... The Empire helped the Forebears prosper and defeat the Crowns. Then after that the Forebears help the rest of Hammerfell beat the Empire into a treaty. The Forebears are quite the conniving bastards.
It was linked. Read "" as that is the only source that even mentions that girl who killed the Snow Prince. There is nothing in it saying she fell to bandits, only that she threw a sword into the Snow Prince, the Snow Prince died, and the final battle ended.
Also, you threw in the claim. Make your case. The burden of proof lies with you.
EDIT: linked it for you.
She just said why. Because its the deciding factor when there's nothing else to go by, not something she judges every last race on. There's a difference. Besides, part of being a warrior is working effectively with other warriors in units.
Redguard, Nords, Orsimer.
Bosmer, Khajiit and Argonians aren't really head to head fighters same with most Elven races (Excluding the Orcs of course and possibly the Lefthanders).
Sure they did. PGE says resistance was "easily defeated."
I like the Nords and Redguards equally, but even I have to say I don't think I've heard the Nords wipe out a continent several times the size of Tamriel with their blades. Especially considering the Ansei had a bloody civil war just to see who gets to go open season on the Left-handed Elves.
That being said I'd chose a Nord army over a Redguard army anyday due to the aforementioned sentence above.
I'm talking about the Rebellion after the the Forebears help the Empire defeated the Crowns and bring them into the Empire's fold.
I'd rather go with the guys that can control their power personally. Besides the fact that that was a magic ability, part of being a warrior is control of your strength. A very important part.
The Tongues could shout villages out of existence and stop the flow of time, so Tongues = sword singing, cancels each other out. The First Empire= the subjugation of Hegathe, genocide of the Left Handed Elves= genocide of the Falmer, again, even. That's why I gave my deciding factors for why I choose Nords over redguards, because thus far everything is equal.
And the Falmer were on par with the Altmer of today. You say the Altmer are invincible and no one can ever defeat them.
Well, the 500 Companions beat Elves who were on par with them.
Are you seriously comparing a freaking village to a giant continent??? Also that Thuum didn't do jack against the Chimer.
Except it's not really magic like mages guild magic. It's one's inner power to form a sword, rather than shouting at the world to your bidding or manipulating magical particles from the Aetherius to manipulate the external environment.
You do realize the Hiradirge sank Yokuda on purpose right?
Calm down dude. I said "villages," and that was one Tongue. The Nords had a few of those. Didn't do jack? They drove the Dwemer underground and were only defeated by them when they banded together with the Chimer and tapped the power of Lorkhan.
Are you still going on about this? The ES wiki is notoriously bad. It makes stuff up all the time. There's no citation for saying the girl died. Go to the Imperial Library and search for Finna, go to UESP and do likewise, you'll find nothing to support your claim.
It certainly sounds like some form of magic. Not traditional, same as how the thu'um isn't. Its some other form of magic that warriors seem more attuned to learning, but it is magic. Like the thu'um.
Side note: If the most powerful tongues fought the most powerful Sword singers, Nirn would explode.
I hear apples and oranges are fruits. Therefore, they're the same.
I also heard that the Altmer live on a giant island protected by a navy. I of course, may simply be imagining things no doubt.
I always heard it was an accident. If I am wrong, then I am wrong.