IIRC Dremora did not conquer Skyrim.
IIRC Dremora did not conquer Skyrim.
Yeah, this is pretty much true. Imo, their lack of fear of death lends to that they're the most naturally talented warriors. They will brave things other races won't and that tends to get results.
They didn't conquer anyone. They were stopped by a Wimperial before they could do it. You can keep the ice cream. I prefer blood grass and harrada root fruit shakes.
Orcs aren't afraid of death either. They also more actively pursue death through glorious blood-shed then the Nords.
Is it stated anywhere that Orcs don't fear death? I know the Nords not fearing it has been shoved down throats. The only thing I'm aware of is that old Orcs want to die in battle instead of in bed (which is ironically a norse trope).
There are plenty of Nords who grow old.
The only old Orc I see is the librarian at the College. Orcs live under constant threat. They don't live the cozy life that every other race does. They're constantly fighting for survival. And they worship Malacath who inspires and expects them to do so.
Well...we magicians would just weaken you with spells. Then toss you off a mountain.
Just kidding I'm just being a pompous high elf mage. I think either Nords, Redguards, or Orcs.
There's numerous documents attesting to the harsh life-style of the Orcs which the Nords take for granted in their cozy province. And it's well known that Malacath does not reward the idle, and expects his pariah children to fight to the death, and never settle for the easy way out. And according to the Old Orc, he expects his children to die glorious deaths instead of dieing in your sleep.
No one denies Orcs live a harsh life. The point is that it isn't said that Orcs would sacrifice themselves to kill their opponents. It is said that Nords would.
Two races have invaded a nation and drove its inhabitants out. One race did it with only 500 people.
Funny, because it took a helluva less time in the 4th era. May have been that way in the 1st era, but in the 4th era, Orsinium was sacked HARD and fast when the Septim Empire fell, and the Mede empire JUST barely started and was only Colovia and The Niben.
Sacrifice themselves?
What do you think a harsh life entails? Sitting around the house and baby-sitting the grand-kinds while drinking mead and telling them make up stories to of fake battles?
What do you think: "They are noted for their unshakable courage in war and their unflinching endurance of hardships." Means? They sure don't fear death. And there are far fewer old Orcs sitting in homes with their grand-kiddies than there are Nords doing it.
Well, Orsinium had to endure the Oblivion crisis too you know.
According to in game race description's, Redguards are the best natural warriors of Tamriel.
Imo, the best warriors are the Dunmer and Orsimer. Now hold on, let me explain.
Both cultures live by the harsh rules of a Daedric Lord. The Orcs revere and honor Malacath, and live by his harsh set of rules.
The Dunmer revere the "Three Good Daedra" (Azura, Boethiah and Mephala) and acknowledge the "House of Troubles (Sheogorath, Molag Bal, Malacath and Mehrunes Dagon)."
Now lets break this down:
The Three Good Daedra
Azura: Made them what they are today.
Boethiah: All Dark Elven philosophy, magic and archeticture is attributed to her.
Mephala: Taught the Dunmer, "Secret Murder" aka assassination.
The House of Troubles:
Sheogorath: Tests the Dunmer for mental weakness.
Molag Bal: Presents many obstacles to the Dunmer.
Malacath: Tests the Dunmer's physical weakness.
Mehrunes Dagon: He just represents the harshness of Morrowind's land.
A newbie maybe saying. If you think the Dunmer are so badass, then why did Septim conquer them?
First things first Tiber Septim never conquered Morrowind. Fearing the legendary power of the Tribunal, he went behind King Wulfharth's back and signed an armistace with the Tribunal. Did I mention he promised Wulfharth, that they would attack Morrowind? So it seems Tiber was not big on keeping his word, hmm?
So Morrowind became apart of the Empire, but unlike Skyrim. They kept all of their religions and traditions and the empire had no say in Dunmer politics. There was a puppet king set up by the Empire, but no true Dunmer respected him.
Anyway any culture raised on the harshness of Daedric Law, is most likely to be more badass.
The following was just my opinion, agree or not. It does not matter.
The strongest are orcs, otherwise correct.
It's not even really as up for debate as people seem to think. They say unambiguously in load screens that redguards are the most talented warriors in all of tamriel, in those words... what's left to talk about?
The superiority of orc strength isn't blurted out as in your face as that, but the tiniest amount of digging uncovers it, someone else posted the copious references in the thread from a week or two ago so I can't be bothered.
Highest opinion of themselves - nords.
No, orsimer and redguards, on average, are 5 points shy of nords when it comes to strength for all games that had stats. Orsimer just have much thicker skin and harder bones, lending them able to take a harder beating magically and physically compared to everyone else. Or at least that is what can be surmised, as orsimer are the best when it comes to defense based values, including willpower, where as nords and male redguards top the offense, while male redguards starting with being the most damaging melee race (50 str and most points to weapons)