Alduin, the world eater, the circle-----Arkay?
He is the linearity of time, he also said he is the first born of Akatosh, the son of Aka------------Arkay?
Tsun, the solution, the vehicle, the Greed(The symbolism meaning of Whale)-----Molag Bal?
It's really hard to explain the idea....Some science stuff, but I would like to say Tsun is the representatin of entropy, so does Molag Bal----Fire Stone. Well, I am not sure if I am correct.
Stuhn, the god of luck/ransom, a unexpected result, the patron of Ysmir-----Sanguine?
It may sounds ridiculous, but notice that Sanguine is the prince of debaunchery---for joy, for satisfaction, don't you think it is the representation of loving oneself? Since we know the key word of Walking Way is Love....In addition, there is no difference between love and six, in my opinion(No offence to ture love). So patron of Ysmir-----Stuhn-----love(Especially love oneself, because it is Mania)-----The Sword of Ysmir------Self-Satisfaction------Debauchery----Sanguine.
In other word, anti-entropy, if you would like to know(All Ysmirs appear with an immortal soul).