Post » Sat Feb 15, 2014 7:19 am


There are lots of ideas in different threads, and threads being plastered with comments. For this one, please post ONCE ONLY per person with suggestions. You can later EDIT your posting to add or change your thoughts. Please use the format below, for your top 2-3 priorities. I'll post mine on the next post lol. Include what you MOST want to see added in, and perhaps a little bit about why if you feel it needs it.

SUGGESTION: < brief description of what you're aiming to achieve >


A ) < What this part about - keep it short >


2. < More details if needed. If there are seperate changes to pull off the idea, split them out >

B ) < If it's a 2 parter to make it work, keep it short >


2. < More details if needed. If there are seperate changes to pull off the idea, split them out >

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Post » Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:25 pm

SUGGESTION: Reviews and Upcoming Content


A ) Launcher Change.

1. Display a voting window. Pick one of the shortlist of current public ideas. Each one might have (short) (medium) or (long next to it), the developers way of saying some ideas take longer to do than others. Show current votes for the next sprint.

2. Display what's being worked on in this sprint ie currently. Keep people excited.

B ) Periodic competitions:

1. Write in about what you like the MOST in the game, what you like the LEAST in the game, what you'd like to see added or improved.

2.Go through the entries. Pick some out, when can see workable good ideas. Work with the submission in a Developer's diary entry. Respond to each point, and use it as a REVIEW. Ideally state how the worst bits are being worked on, or open to suggestions. Ideally, state how the suggestion is being developed now etc.Not only would it give people sneak peaks of things they like, but would show Zenimax developers listen to the general public, and aim to add content ongoing. Gives people things to get excited about coming up etc.

SUGGESTION: Market and Auction Interface


A ) Market areas need not be boring and generic.

1. Imagine a street with perhaps 20 or so carts on it, clustered around and another nearby side alley with some more.


Each cart looks visually different, displaying goods of a different type. Each opens up a SEPERATE section of the aution house. For example, one cart with some tarpaulins and tailors working it might result in listing all CLOTH armor for sale. Another might list all HEAVY armor or crafting supplies near a blacksmith, who is banging away at his anvil etc. Near some of the various food stalls, there might be more NPCs milling around shopping. A dog might run off with a sausage. resulting in some shouting or chasing NPC. This makes the interface more visual and attractive. Makes it feel more "markety". A few NPCs scripted to browse different carts would be great. And some noise. Remember this is a hubbub of life for people. Some pvssyr perhaps.


When a players created / the interface is added in, ONE slot is allocated randomly per player as a "control" cart. This is to spread out population for zoning purposes and allow a decent population still. You might be able to "upgrade" your cart to allow you to list more goods perhaps. Using your cart simply allows you to see what you have for sale / list items etc. This would be far more immersive than the generic dull NPC stood silently, waiting for you to click on him and browse everything. This should be a place players LIKE to hang out while they do their shopping.

B ) Guild vs public.

1. Public markets, set up in villages or busy towns as above are perfect for public sales.

2. Guild markets, restricted to build members only might be set up in enclosed walled areas, far more offcial looking, perhaps with generic guild emblems on walls, fine displays, clerks etc. It's the atmosphere that's key.

SUGGESTION: Guild halls and social nexuses


A) Guilds should be warm and inviting.

These should encourage social groups, people hanging out together, seeing each other regularly.

A wayshrine should be at least reasonably close to them, to encourage their use.

It sounds like Cyrodil was geared up for it, but personally I'm not convinced. There IS appeal to having the guild hangout like a little sanctuary ie the Weary Traveller's Rest in the midst of the raging wilds. But... in some ways I'd like to see the odd spot dotted around the world. Maybe strolling down a wooded road somewhere, and see a small side track with what looks like it might be a tavern or guildhouse down there. Someone jogging from that direction asks if you're looking to join a hearty band of adventurers based nearby...

That choice would be good. Perhaps each guild could decide which of many buildings it wants to use as it's base. Maybe as adventurers that might shape our choices of guild too.

In addition to guild "retreats" that could be made to feel like a cosy tavern, more opulent with more resources, musicians etc depending on guild effort?

In terms of game mechanics, this should be fairly simple. You have an active guild selected on your guild screen potentially (take a look). At each location is an almost empty generic building, which you can enter.

Triggers: If you load the game and it's your guildhall for your currently selected guild, load it. If you change selected active guild, load the empty building (or the correct version) as applicable. If you Leave or join a guild, load the correct version.

You see cosy fires, bar, seating, guild storage, notices from officers, people hanging out, music, food (depending on guild work). Perhaps you see NPCs that have been out working, to collect resources for the guild craftsmen. Perhaps a shifty fellow who acts as the guild banker, or a trader. This could go on as content is added.

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rebecca moody
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Post » Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:28 am



A ) Let players have a home.

1. Since the capitals have a harbor, one of the boats could bring you to "your" little island with a house in the style of your alliance (or even better: your race).

2. A waypoint on that island to get to other places would be handy.

3. Physics like moving stuff around could be implemented there since it wouldn't add lag for others, only the new item positions would have to be uploaded to the server.

4. Player can decide to make it publicly open, private or only invited friends may enter.

5. Wookworkers can only make shields and staffs right now, which is a bit boring - let them make furniture as well for those homes (could be different styles for different races as for the armor).

B ) Guild halls

1. The same as above - maybe use one of the bigger ships at the harbor to reach the guild island with the big guild keep (similar to EQ2)

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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:18 am

That one post idea wasn't so great lol.

Have to say I like that idea. Your own little private paradise.

That said, it's not exactly social, being bundled up in your own place. In some regards, you'd kinda want to invite other people to see it lol.

Guilds MIGHT solve that problem, and I can see a way you could combine it all together, bearing in mind people can leave and join guilds:

1. Each ACCOUNT may purchase one of several types of private islands. This is to cater for the single player / solitary type.

2. Each private island has ONE build slot on it. All that really needs to be stored is the Island Type per account.

3. On that plot, via tasks, resources and quests, a play may develop a house within a limited set of plans / extensions and styles.

4. Any character in that account may visit that island and access the property fully.

5. Guilds. Each guild may purchase a single larger island type. For the guild, the island type must be stored.

6. There will be X number of player housing plots on that island. ONE can be allocated to each ACCOUNT in the guild.

7. When a plot is allocated, that player's house / empty plot will be presented in that location. ie stored as:

GuildNo, PlotNo, AccountName

8. Players may walk around other players houses on the guild island. They will be unable to interact with any items however, exceot for sit in chairs (?) / sleep in beds (?). This is primarily for display purposes. Players like to show off their hard work! * SCRUB THIS PERHAPS * Or always reload the island for all guildies present on it if property ownership changes.

9. The guild facilities should include unlockable extras, via hard work / online guild representation, resources, money etc including:


Market / work area with:

Trade stalls. Internal sales, External sales / trade ship linking to auctions, Market stalls, Smith for repairs.

Notice area.

Stables and other ambience extras with associated NPCs. Choose from several buildings.

Tavern area / community area with:

Interactable NPCs. Guild trader, barman / supplies, Supply Workforce (see crafting skills), Musicians / ambience Stores.

10. Taking a wayshrine or boat: All guild islands appear the same place on the map. Only your ACTIVE guild will be considered.

11. If you do not have an active guild, you will be unable to take the wayshrine or boat.

12. If you DO have an active guild with an island, your point of entry will be stored (POE).

Note the POE cannot be updated from within the island. Teleporting to the wayshrine from your island will not update your POE.

12. If your active guild changes ie leave guild / select another / log into game, the guild island will be loaded:

If your active guild does not have an island, or you are not in a guild, you will be teleported out, back to your POE.

Otherwise, you will automatically be respawned at the island central point ie near the notice board / stockpile.

That seem workable? Quite a bit of work I think though, but one way you could tackle both the housing demands and the guild side in one big hit. Then you just have the atmosphere and ambience to add etc.

You might add some guildie influence to the island. Perhaps each player housing spot come with with ability to PICK a service or building type. If you pick a ranger, trees may appear around a plot. A miller, and a windmill pops up etc. You could use that roleplay approach to determine what your family do for a living when you're out exploring and braving the wilds.




AccountName, SingleIslandType (Null / 1 / 2 / 3 etc)


AccountName, PropertyState (Null / QuestState), FamilyTrade (Null / BakerMiller / Dairy / Crop / Smith / Ranger etc), BuildingVariant (Null / 1 / 2 /3 etc)


GuildName, GuildIslandType (Null / 1 / 2 / 3 etc), HousingSlotsUnlocked (int), NoticeType (int), WayshrineBuilt (binary), MarketStyle (Null / 1 / 2 / 3), MarketStage (Null / Basic / Advanced / Expert), ServiceOne (Null / Smithy / Stable etc), ServiceTwo ( Null / Tailor / Leather etc), ServiceThree (Armorsmith / Alchemist etc), TavernStyle (Null / 1 / 2 / 3 etc), TavernStage (Null / Basic / Advanced / Expert)


GuildName, SlotNo, AccountName *Take family trade from #PropertyState unless inefficient

Loading the island: Load features from #GuildIsland, then step through housing slots, loading them with appropriate scenery from TradeType, and building styles. For each, populate a scripted NPC in town centre? Add an extra unlocked NPC list or just add more as buildings develop.

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Jonathan Montero
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Post » Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:42 pm

(Plus the usual gubbins for container contents, Entry points etc...)

To be honest, being able to customise a house to a great extent isn't that high on the list. It's nice to have a place to call your own, containers etc, pick a house style. Maybe unlock a few facilities..

The guild centres should offer a lot more and encourage focal points

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