The Suggestion Thread!

Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:26 am

I will humbly request an addition to Skyrim. May the developers see my plea and contemplate adding it into the game. The armor system since Arena to Morrowind was great. I loved to have enchanted trousers on under my metal plate armor. For some reason that is probably a bad one, Oblivion scratched this system. I imagine that the developers thought a warrior with enchanted clothing and enchanted armor would somehow fair better than a clothed mage with an arsenal of magick. Skyrim must return to this system. Remember: robes go over clothing and armor.
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john palmer
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:48 am

We already have a place for suggestions. The Skyrim General Discussion forum. ;)
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James Shaw
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:06 am

Five years in development, Seven months left. :facepalm:
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:13 am

But if it helps the game be more fun and immersive, even just a tiny bit, let us suggest away!
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Solène We
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 3:04 am

  • Enchantments need the Enchant skill at a certain level to use.
  • Scrolls need the corresponding magic school skill at a certain level to use.
  • Sustained spells (unlimited duration, until turned off, drain Magicka continously, thus slowing it's regeneration).
  • Mid-air powerstrike perk in acrobatics.
  • Basic commands for companions ("stick together", "fall back", "charge!").
  • Climbing, grabbing on to ledges.
  • Explosives in Alchemy.

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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:12 pm

Great suggestions, let's add to them:

Enchantments need the Enchant skill at a certain level to use.

Enchantment power and regeneration speed is related to your enchant skill, so the more you know about the stuff, the more useful become those items.

Scrolls need the corresponding magic school skill at a certain level to use.

Scrolls are there to help non-mages out in special situations, so they should be non-limited, but rare, hard to find and highly priced, especially for the more powerful effects.

Sustained spells (unlimited duration, until turned off, drain Magicka continously, thus slowing it's regeneration).

Yes, and some types of wands/staves should draw power from our magicka pool.

Explosives in Alchemy.

Yes alchemy should be more flashy, and I hope someday to write about it in more detail.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:50 am

  • Enchantments need the Enchant skill at a certain level to use.
  • Scrolls need the corresponding magic school skill at a certain level to use.
  • Sustained spells (unlimited duration, until turned off, drain Magicka continously, thus slowing it's regeneration).
  • Mid-air powerstrike perk in acrobatics.
  • Basic commands for companions ("stick together", "fall back", "charge!").
  • Climbing, grabbing on to ledges.
  • Explosives in Alchemy.

I disagree with the ones on Enchanting and Scrolls. Scrolls for the reason Sphagne said, and Enchanting because Everyone uses enchanted arms and armor, not just enchanters. I do agree with Sphagne that how fast it regenerates should depend on Enchanting Skill.
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:53 pm

Is Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim going to benefit from Multi-Core processors like the 4 and 6 Core, I you like the textures to be enhanced Greatly, I think this game has some potential and I would want to see a "CINEMATIC EFFECT" in gameplay if possible! "Game Animation" sould not be plastic looking and react like "REAL PEOPLE". "GamePlay" should not be stiff but "Smooth"!

If you slice someone with a sword or hit someone with an arrow blood should squirt out! Are you going to enable the xbox 360 controller if so could the players configure there own settings. Is this going tobe a DirectX11 title!

Theres this new technology that RockStar Games is using with L.A. Noire, I think you should use it in some of you games, it take's game to another level in REALISM!!! To break it down, IT give's Game Characters emotions and expressions of a REAL HUMAN FACE, That to me is OUTSTANDING! "CHECK IT OUT"!
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:35 am

A couple of these in other threads, but why not....

1) Soul Gem Sockets - Enchanted weapons can have sockets on them for soul gems. Number of sockets and quality of gems they'll take determined by quality of the item in question. Upon using all charges on a weapon, a socketed soul gem will automatically recharge the item. If there are no soul gems socketed at the time, the standard "out of charges" message appears.

2) No God Mode - Make sure the core game engine doesn't allow for crafting or enchanting anything that makes players invincible (ie. 100% Chameleon). If we want to do that with command line codes or mods, that's what they're there for.

3) Randomize Enchantment Effects - Player-made items should not always produce the exact same effect. When making an item, a range of possible values can result whenever the item is constructed. Also, perhaps include a small chance to make a superior quality item, where the final numerical values are beyond the normal capabilities of the components used. This could add an element of suspense to crafting that could make it quite fun. Of course, you run the risk of people just reloading a save until they get a desired effect, but still... kind of interesting.

4) Realistic Fights - The current trailer seems like they're addressing this, but just to point it out.... The fighting in Oblivion wasn't bad, but the lack of physical damage showing on our enemies (or ourselves) made it seem to an onlooker as if the foe just died of a heartattack ones we finally hacked down the last bits of their health. Realistic facial reactions, bodily movements, hit effects, and damage/blood graphics would go a LONG way to making combat more enjoyable.

I'm sure I'll think of more... just got on these boards today. :-)
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:29 pm

the ability to plant ingredian crops and harvest them, like maybe as an addition you can buy a garden for your house. that way you can grow a few of the rare ingrediants that take alot of walking to get to.
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