The Sunhold Syndicate
Conquest, Victory, Profit | |
About Us:
- Guild Name: The Sunhold Syndicate
- Guild Creed: Conquest, Victory, Profit
- Guildmaster: Justiciar
- Assistant Guildmaster: Despair
- Region: North America
- Faction: Aldmeri Dominion
- Play style: Moderate
- Focus: PvP, PvE, Social
The Sunhold Syndicate was founded on September 24th, 2012 when news of The Elder Scrolls Online was first becoming public. As such we are one of the oldest guilds specifically founded for The Elder Scrolls Online. The city of Sunhold is one of the primary cities of the largest island of the Sumerset Isle's. Though not in game at launch, this city represents one of the hearts of the Aldmeri Dominion.
Our guild is a close knit group who has a passion for video games. We are excited to play The Elder Scrolls Online and are actively looking for members to join us. Our play style is moderate and many of us play competitively, but not professionally. We have a strict belief in enjoying the game as you see fit and as such will not require certain builds, min/maxing, or specific addons. If you wish to do any of these you are welcome to do so but as long as the guild is able to complete content successfully all are welcome.
We do not currently have any age requirement to join, although all members of the guild are currently over 18. As long as you are a mature player those of any age are welcome.
We do not desire to become one of the largest guilds, our goal is to field a guild of 50 members, enabling the guild store and being able to field full groups for both PvP and PvE content. With this system the guild will remain the tight knit group of friends we desire it to be, while still providing all the benefits of a massive guild to its members.
What we Offer:
An active and growing community of players that are first and foremost friends. We like to play video games with our friends. The Sunhold Syndicate believes that having people you enjoy playing the game with is what makes an MMOG fun.
Additionally we offer our members a fully functioning guild website, complete with forums for members, photo albums for pictures of our achievements, and an announcement thread that will keep members up to date. We have also launched our own facebook and twitter feeds, which will be used to communicate to members outside of the game as well.
We currently host our own ventrilo server that members are welcome to use to communicate with each other.
After launch guild events for large group PvP and PvE encounters will be scheduled.
What we are looking for:
We are looking for mature players who will be active in game at launch.
We plan on fielding coordinated groups of players to participate in the alliance war and adventure zone content. We will be avoiding the "Zerg" in PvP and will focus on tactics and strategy not just because it will be more successful, but because it is more fun! Because of this we are looking for players who will be able to participate in our guild events and help us be successful at completing content.
We plan on claiming territory in Cyrodiil. With a guild of our smaller size this will most likely be a resource and not a keep. Because we plan on claiming territory we are also looking crafters who can supply the guild store, as well as guild mates with crafted gear.
In preparation for launch we have begun open recruiting. Any and all are welcome to apply. In general, as long as you provide a mature application you will be accepted into the guild. Invites will begin on 3/30/14 when early access goes live. If you are interested in applying, please see our and submit an application from the guild website. | |