I hate to be that guy, but this is all the confirmation I needed for my suspicion that FO4 will be a non-post-apocalyptic post-apocalyptic RPG. This is not to say that FO4 won't be a good game, just that it won't have the FO1 feel to it. I kind of felt like they insulted my intelligence in their justifications instead of just admitting they want to appeal to a broader audience, but really in their place I would probably do the same.
This is giving me Diablo 3 pre-release flashbacks. We went through the exact same thing in the D3 forums, only to get shot down but then vindicated when the game finally released. Only, the art direction wasn't the first or even second of D3's most serious problems. There was a vastly different team behind that project whereas FO4 is in capable enough hands to give me hope that at least the actual sandbox part of the game will still be enjoyable.