The Thalmor: The Threat to Tamriel

Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:36 pm

The Thalmor have been a thorn to the side of the Empire, they're the root of everything that has affected Tamriel from the Great War, to the Skyrim Civil War. They forced the Empire to ban the worship of Talos and basically give up their dignity. Because of all of that, the Empire gets all of the blame when they were put in a position where they had absolutely NO CHOICE!!!!

Picture this scenario, you have a family you love very much, and then a killer(s) show up and hold them hostage. They corner you and then give you these options: Do this/that.....or your family DIES!!!!!

Does this allude to what the Thalmor have done? Yes, yes it does. They would've destroyed the Empire if the Emperor did not agree to the White-Gold Concordat. The Empire is NOT to blame for everything thats happened like the Stormcloaks claim it are (though I understand their beliefs, they have chosen the wrong enemy). The Thalmor should be stopped. They have to be conquered and overthrown, and then restore the Empire to it's former glory.

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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:32 pm

I agree but its fun to kill and Imperial soldier every now and again.
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:57 pm

Great. It's one of THOSE.

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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:37 am

You're leaving out the part where Hammerfell fought off the Thalmor successfully on their own, and now the Nords think they can too. Hence the civil war.

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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:33 pm

I'm off before this degenerates into which side's [censored]'s bigger.

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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:00 am

Wrong... wrong on so many levels...

The Empire still had a large Military at its disposal, so your comparison is not accurate at all..

thats pure speculation, you have no evidence to verify such a claim

lets compare it to the events of WWII. The Majority of the world was sure for quite awhile the Germans would be able to successfully overtake the UK as well as The Soviet Union. Nazi Germany actually demanded both nations disolve their government and turn their lands over to Germany. But they didn't, and they actually defeated Germany

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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:41 am

Actually according to in-game lore the Aldmeri Dominion suffered as much as the Empire from the war and at least opinions from the books state that agreeing to the WGC was not necessary militarily. Most likely Titus Mede II agreed not because the Empire would not have survived but because so much Imperial blood had been spilled that he wanted the bloodletting to stop. There is a book you can find in two places, one of which is in the Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood in the room the character leases for a day on top of the tall dresser called "The Great War". It's also at the Bard's college. I would recommend it as I found it to be a good read..

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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:54 am

They are all equally as bad, they are all killing people, this could have been avoided if the Empire didn't agree to not allowing the nords to worship talos. The thalmor cant just wipe out nord traditions and replace them with their own? Let's say someone liked football but hates basketball, someone says "your not allowed to play football anymore you can only play basketball. Or else serious punishment." Not the best example but you should get my point. My character doesn't take sides he usually sticks to the outdoors but if anyone decides to attack him he will try and defend himself.
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:10 pm

Like I said, the Empire was put into a position where they had NO CHOICE. Oh, and do you believe the Nords are the only ones affected by the Thalmor?!? No they were NOT. ALL the races of Tamriel were belittled by the Thalmor in some way if anything!!! This is the reason why the Thalmor are the root to the problems the Empire has had since the Great War.

Here's another scenario, a man is restrained to a corner as a another man tortures his closest friend to death, but he cannot do anything about it because the torturer will kill him, and because he is also chained to the wall and cannot move. And so he has no choice but to listen reluctantly and sorrowfully as his friend is tortured painfully to his demise.

You really think the Empire is just letting the Thalmor do this?!?!? I bet even Talos himself understands the Empire's position in all of this, especially since he founded the Empire.

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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:45 am

the fact your comparisons don't compare at all to the actual state of things makes me laugh.

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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:59 am

I agree. The Empire must be strengthened, and the Thalmor rebellion eliminated. Do not hesitate, show no mercy. Only then, will we have peace in Tamriel.

Whenever I go by the Thalmor on the roads, I take the opportunity to demonstrate my powers to them. I strike them with lightning or a quick sword. The prisoners are killed however, if they are Stormcloak rebels.

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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:10 am

"Like I said, the Empire was put into a position where they had NO CHOICE. Oh, and do you believe the Nords are the only ones affected by the Thalmor?!? No they were NOT. ALL the races of Tamriel were belittled by the Thalmor in some way if anything!!! This is the reason why the Thalmor are the root to the problems the Empire has had since the Great War.

Here's another scenario, a man is restrained to a corner as a another man tortures his closest friend to death, but he cannot do anything about it because the torturer will kill him, and because he is also chained to the wall and cannot move. And so he has no choice but to listen reluctantly and sorrowfully as his friend is tortured painfully to his demise.

You really think the Empire is just letting the Thalmor do this?!?!? I bet even Talos himself understands the Empire's position in all of this, especially since he founded the Empire."

Really? The empire had the military capability to fend off any attack from the thalmor at the time. If you think about it even the nords would have helped to defeat them, I also know there are more races affected by the Thalmor but the situation in Skyrim is worse. The redguards fought off the Thalmor by themselves the nords are trying to do the same.
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:14 pm

me and other posters have already tried to tell him this, but he chose to ignore it...

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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:00 am

I point to my original post Tersius, I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on this. :icecream:

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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:15 pm

Well Bethesda should add another DLC called Thalmor instead of stopping.

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Matthew Warren
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:05 am

my response to that idea:

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