Yeah, Wooly what are you talking about? I'm guessing you missed the revision

Sounds better, I see you took out the playable DB aspect, and gave these guys a name. You make them the bad guys while keeping the original Guild's purity, which also offers a good internal conflict to the protagonists. Well done, though I still have some suggestions:
Clean up the introductory statement for the actual RP thread, just a little revision to make it sound better and more interesting is all.
I still reccomend not letting people play as this Midnight Syndicate. It might sound cool, but people usually have no problem playing good guys, and it is much more interesting and enjoyable, trust me. Like I said earlier, leaving the antagonist's actions in the dark, or at least partially mysterious, adds much more excitement and suspense. The RPers are more together, thus more character interaction, and that leads to better RPing. You can have people in the Guild be slightly crooked, criticizing the Fox's continued purity even with the new threat, but not too much.
Same thing with the Legion; no real need to have them beyond choices. But sometimes choices can be bad

Looks much better, keep it up :goodjob:
EDIT: Wooly, I don't think you get what he's saying. The Guild over in Hammerfell and High Rock went rogue. They are no longer thieves, they are just generally bad people. They are criminals with no honor, and the real Guild has to stop them. Though I do suggest an explanation for why they went rogue (perhaps reveal more about this leader, which would be better if you make it an unplayable faction).
EDIT AGAIN: I saw that time thing

No harm done, don't worry about it.