The things I'd like to see.

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:46 am

FIRST-- I am not griping. I am simply outlining the things I would love to see. I am already super excited and so happy about Skyrim. This game has almost ALL the things I've been waiting to see in TES.
SECOND-- feel free to post all the things you would like to see.
THIRD-- Thank you Bethesda for existing and for creating The Elder Scrolls. You are personally responsible for entertaining the last ten years of my life.

Actual wooden bows. Yeah, I said it. Sorry, physics. Looks like you'll have to be normal for a while.
Metal cores in bows? What?
Short, long, and composite variants might be nice too.

Much more believable weight to weapons and armor. A 60lb sword? C'mon...
Most medieval longswords, armingswords, and even two-handers weighed no more than 4 or 5 lbs AT THE MOST.
Sure, sure, it's made of ebony and such-- well, it still would only get up to 10 or 15 or else no sane warrior would ever pick one up.

Um. Hooded cloaks. It's an RPG, correct? Fantasy setting? Right, we need hooded cloaks. 'bout time, huh?

Please, no more leveled items and enemies. I beg of you.
The world doesn't even feel dangerous. Morrowind was frightening. I LIKED it.
I also liked getting a super weapon at level 1. Sure, it's unbalanced, but you worked for it.

Werewolves, please. Bloodmoon had them. That's enough justification, right?
Vampires svck. Sorry, but they do. What with all of mainstream society going crazy over them, I'm kinda sick of them.
Brutish axe-wielding Nords need a decent foe. How about a giant snarling Werewolf? Yay.

An organization of assassins that isn't completely composed of blood-drunk, evil, demented cultists? How 'bout some honorable ones?
Morag Tong-esque. Altair anyone?

Throwing knives and axes. A viking style game you say?
Needs more throwing axes.

Maybe some more ship action? The ocean is nice.
Sea-serpents and piratical Nord warriors are even better.
Not necessarily owning and operating a ship-- maybe just some brief scenes and short quests that involve them.

Self-enchanted arrows. Please?
I need ebony-tipped mini-nukes.

Mounted combat would be nice, but it isn't necessary to my happiness.
I just want to add the speed of my mount to my arrows' force, so that when I'm riding past some deer or wolves I can pin them to trees with a single shot.

BOOM, headshot! Maybe only in stealth mode?
I know there are some balancing issues, but here's for hoping they figure out a way to do it....

Some cool assassination moves. I'm pretty sure they'll do this. Finishing moves for warriors? Yeah, sneaky blokes get assassination moves.

Separate armor pieces for gauntlets, and possibly bring back pauldrons?
Some people make a fashion statement with only one of a pair.

Dual-wielding.... Oh, wait. Big manly beards.... Dang. Dragons! Hm.

The return of crossbows? Not that I would use them....
The return of spears! Yeah! I would use one.

Pipes to smoke.
Cups to drink out of.
Like a hardcoe mode from Fallout. THAT would be awesome.

A sitting animation that doesn't resemble Emily Post.

The ability to smash open chests when you don't have high Security or a spell to cast.
Land of the Nords, right? Land of Angry Keyless Entry. With high strength and a big weapon, of course.

Get the guy who did the Dunmer voices in Morrowind. Now, HE sounded like a Dark Elf.

I would really love to see the appearance of several artifacts that aren't of Daedric origin. Or at least you don't have to be their lackey to get it.
Like, the Paladin's Blade, the Dragonbone Cuirass, the Monarch's Blade, Eleidon's Ward, etc.

More factions.
And overlapping questlines.
The factions in Oblivion played too nice. Morrowind was ruthless. Realistically.

A gore switch? For more or less gore. I know some people really want it.
I'm kind of indifferent. Though, it would be nice to behead some Wood Elves whenever they open that curious little hole in their face.

Familiars for Mages? and "pets" for other characters.

No more training limit for levels?
If you have the gold, use the gold.
"No, no. Wait. I'll have to come back tomorrow. I can only learn five things in a day. My head might explode."

Moar sausage! Sorry, wrong game.

More books. Lore is nice.
So is reading. And libraries that have only ONE copy of each book.

Bandits and Marauders who don't own the most expensive armor in the game.
Yeah. If they can afford full Daedric and Glass armor, then they kind of don't have to be bandits and marauders....
Other career options open up...

I'll probably think of more later.
Not that anyone will really read everything I already put here anyway....


Thought of some more...

Better unarmed fighting. I liked it in Oblivion up until you started getting the perks. Then it turned into some weird Asian martial arts thing. Sorry, but this isn't Akivir, folks. Give me Western Martial Arts. Such a thing exists, and it's badass. Nordic warriors delivering two-finger death touches? No, thanks. Bone-shattering uppercuts? Yes, please.

More involvement with the Nine Divines. I'm interested to know how they feel about their beloved Empire nearing collapse.

Hermaeus Mora again! He's cool.

Weapon parries that actually involve parrying. If we can do finishing moves, we should have more blocking animations.

Along with the hardcoe mode that I'd like to see (like in Fallout), I wonder if it would be possibly to monitor your character's temperature. I mean, Skyrim is a VERY cold place. If you go running around in your leopard skin Vvardenfellian undergarments you're gonna freeze to death, right? Maybe you have to wear a cloak and gloves.

Clothes and armor layered together again. Please. The chainmail is chaffing...

I'd really love to see more house options. Ones that aren't necessarily in or right next to a city. A quiet hunting lodge high in the mountains is preferable. Or maybe even the ability to acquire deeds to any building (kind of like Fable II?).

More armorer tools. I'd like to not have to hammer my longbow in order to fix it....
It seems counter-productive.

I kind of want to see the return of enchanted objects with manual casting. Like my netch leather helmet from Morrowind that shoots fireballs out of my face. Now, that was fun.

Some more eye color variation would be nice in character creation. Though, I'm sure it will be in this game.

Shock spells are my favorite. I'd love to see a ranged lightning spell actually travel and strike like, well, lightning. Instantaneous KABLAM. Fireballs and the so called Ice Spikes should also move a bit faster than in previous titles. Unless you were within five feet of the target, the projectile moved too slow to hit anything. And if you are within five feet of an enemy there isn't much use for ranged spells, is there?
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Wane Peters
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:45 am

Dead people.
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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:03 pm

Much more believable weight to weapons and armor. A 60lb sword? C'mon...
Most medieval longswords, armingswords, and even two-handers weighed no more than 4 or 5 lbs AT THE MOST.
Sure, sure, it's made of ebony and such-- well, it still would only get up to 10 or 15 or else no sane warrior would ever pick one up.

Lbs you say? What makes you think that weight is measured in lbs in TES.

In Daggerfall weight was measured in kilograms.
I don't know about the latter games, but I'm pretty sure they used neither kg, nor lbs.
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:11 pm

I think the moderators should add a function to this forum that adds a field similar to a signature that serves as each member's individual wishlist. Cause it really seems like EVERYONE has their wishlist (some stay silent about it :ninja: )
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Melis Hristina
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:39 pm

I think the moderators should add a function to this forum that adds a field similar to a signature that serves as each member's individual wishlist. Cause it really seems like EVERYONE has their wishlist (some stay silent about it :ninja: )

...or maybe just add the wishlist to your signature instead? :thumbsup:
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Emily abigail Villarreal
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:21 am

1.iron bow was mostly wood, but metal cores do make more sense because it doesn't have to bend there isn't 60lbs its 60 encumbrance, that takes into effect how you would carry it and its not in actually pound measurement
3.there were hoods
4.Morrowind had leveling and so did every other elder scrolls
5.werewolves yes I loved being a werewolf it was way easier to get around
6.meh I kinda liked the DB, this one is more opinionated
7.yeh give me my throwing knives back axes I dont care so much
8.that may be a little hard for the developers to create a sea monster to fight, but maybe a dragon, also there is only one side of Skyrim that is surrounded by water
9.keep it in fallout, its a real waste of an enchantment though
12.already in there
13.yes more armor slots would be nice
14.already in there
16.never played hardcoe but other people seem to like it
17.fallouts was pretty good
18.already in there Morrowind
20.agreed I did like the alyied statues though Morrowind you want to smash someone chest open, but you want a gore setting?
23.I have no idea how to respond to that
25.yet again I have no idea how to respond
26.never really read that much
27.they can afford full deadric because of all those gate that were popping up everywhere
hope I have them numbered right
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:40 am

I think the moderators should add a function to this forum that adds a field similar to a signature that serves as each member's individual wishlist. Cause it really seems like EVERYONE has their wishlist (some stay silent about it :ninja: )

Sorry for promoting general discussion in the general discussion forum?
I didn't just randomly throw out misspelled and confusing ideas. I actually thought them out, and didn't do this:

LOL!!11!! I w4nt t3h drag0n m0unt5! H4haheh. Lawl.

I also asked other people to post their own ideas in order to have a thoughtful and fun discussion. So, yeah.
Got any ideas? I'd like to hear them. Staying silent is cool too, if you want to do that, but I wouldn't mind hearing what you have to say.
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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:48 am

...or maybe just add the wishlist to your signature instead? :thumbsup:

Not enough space down there for most :lol:
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casey macmillan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:29 am

Not enough space down there for most :lol:

put a little spoiler tab
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:58 am

put a little spoiler tab

So obvious, yet so genius :thumbsup:
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cheryl wright
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:59 pm

The OP has a point about encumberance. A daedric claymore doesn't have to be 60 pounds, but it is around 3 times heavier than an iron claymore based on the encumberance ratings. That's around double the density of lead. How is that practical in any way?
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Tamika Jett
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:42 am

The OP has a point about encumberance. A daedric claymore doesn't have to be 60 pounds, but it is around 3 times heavier than an iron claymore based on the encumberance ratings. That's around double the density of lead. How is that practical in any way?

Maybe it's practical for a Dremora, but not us mortals...
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:42 pm

I think I have to agree with much [or even all O.o] of the original post.

And as for mounted combat, I would like to point to Mount & Blade: Warband. Now THAT game, had a good way of doing mounted combat.
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Joie Perez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:46 am

Being able to toggle clothes, for example, toggling having the hood up or down, similar to Fabe II's toggle system
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:38 pm

Got any ideas? I'd like to hear them. Staying silent is cool too, if you want to do that, but I wouldn't mind hearing what you have to say.

Sorry, just got tired of wishlist threads :) see my wishlist in my signature :disco: . Comments on yours:

Weight - they should also scale down the amount you can carry as well. I mean, c'mmon, at a pretty reasonable 60 Strength you can carry, what, 300 lbs/kg?! That's superhuman!
Hooded cloaks - we already have hoods, just not cloaks yet. I know I'd wear a hooded cloak :happy:
Burn level-scaling on a stake!!!
Nords + dragon shouts + dual-wield axes + throwing axes = unfiltered awesomeness :gun:
Not much coast around in Skyrim for ships, sorry :shrug: . Morrowind was blessed with much coastline.
Ebony tipped mini-nukes? Now there's something to play around with :lol:
"my mount to my arrows' force" - Mythbusters tested that in real life. You gain only a meager 10% more force or something like that :shrug:
Headshots? Hell yeah!
Pauldrons - yes
Smashing chest - too much imbalance
Familiars for mages - definately
No limit on training - with no more classes or major/minor skills I'd say there's a good possiblity
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Alessandra Botham
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:36 pm

I think I have to agree with much [or even all O.o] of the original post.

Wha- wha- whaaat?
That's just insanity. :obliviongate:

Being able to toggle clothes, for example, toggling having the hood up or down, similar to Fabe II's toggle system

Yeah! I loved that.
Even though there weren't any decent clothes in Fable II. Bunch of colonial flip-floppery if you ask me...
I hate Fable now. <_<
Bunch o' guns and such. Bleh. Keep it outta my fantasy! Steampunk weirdos....
Sorry. Off topic.

Sorry, just got tired of wishlist threads :) see my wishlist in my signature :disco: . Comments on yours:

Weight - they should also scale down the amount you can carry as well. I mean, c'mmon, at a pretty reasonable 60 Strength you can carry, what, 300 lbs/kg?! That's superhuman!
Hooded cloaks - we already have hoods, just not cloaks yet. I know I'd wear a hooded cloak :happy:
Burn level-scaling on a stake!!!
Nords + dragon shouts + dual-wield axes + throwing axes = unfiltered awesomeness :gun:
Not much coast around in Skyrim for ships, sorry :shrug: . Morrowind was blessed with much coastline.
Ebony tipped mini-nukes? Now there's something to play around with :lol:
"my mount to my arrows' force" - Mythbusters tested that in real life. You gain only a meager 10% more force or something like that :shrug:
Headshots? Hell yeah!
Pauldrons - yes
Smashing chest - too much imbalance
Familiars for mages - definately
No limit on training - with no more classes or major/minor skills I'd say there's a good possiblity

You're right! It is pretty ridiculous. Though very handy to be able to carry that much treasure... or you know, 500 bottles of mead.
Hooded cloaks ftw.
YES. It should be burned. Forever. :flamethrower:
Aw...only 10% more force?
I like good possibilities of limitless power. It feels nice on my brain....
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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:05 pm

Dead people.

Plenty of those once I get my hands on a longsword, a longbow, and some decent boots for skull-kicking.
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le GraiN
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:16 am

All I've got to say is that the quest compass better not be in any other The Elder Scrolls game. Fast travel isn't a problem, in fact it can be very handy, but the quest compass is unacceptable.

More useful talents for each race. Nords and Orcs should be able to go beyond 100-level strength, Khajiits should have a constant "night eye" and be able to go beyond 100-level speed, sneak and agility, the Bosmer spell "command creature" should apply to all beasts and not just rats and mudcrabs, etc. I want to feel like I'm missing out on something gameplay-wise if I choose one race over another.

Also, I want to be rid of the night-eye effect seen in Oblivion. I'd rather just have darkness become light when night-eye is active. I absolutely hated having my screen turn blue and purple when that spell was cast! And please do away with the magical purple trails of the detect creature spell.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:11 am

All I've got to say is that the quest compass better not be in any other The Elder Scrolls game. Fast travel isn't a problem, in fact it can be very handy, but the quest compass is unacceptable.

More useful talents for each race. Nords and Orcs should be able to go beyond 100-level strength, Khajiits should have a constant "night eye" and be able to go beyond 100-level speed, sneak and agility, the Bosmer spell "command creature" should apply to all beasts and not just rats and mudcrabs, etc. I want to feel like I'm missing out on something gameplay-wise if I choose one race over another.

Also, I want to be rid of the night-eye effect seen in Oblivion. I'd rather just have darkness become light when night-eye is active. I absolutely hated having my screen turn blue and purple when that spell was cast! And please do away with the magical purple trails of the detect creature spell.

Please, yes. Look at a map and figure it out Vvardenfell style! Buncha babies. Or at least give the option to not have your hand held.

Yes. I want the races to constantly feel different. Great point.

Aaaand yes. Night-eye in Morrowind worked much better. Or at least looked better...
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Janette Segura
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:11 am

Familiars for mages - definately

I liked the Atronachs from Frostcrag Spire.
Though, I think some other types of Daedra would be nice too.
I'd really love to see some birds. Like an owl, or maybe a raven.
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